Page 129 of Primal Kill

“He’s the problem.”

“I don’t understand. Her mate should protect her at all costs.”

“He’s not her real mate. He’s a traveler who’s spent centuries manipulating and controlling her.”

Both immortals rushed forward, speaking in a language she couldn’t translate. Their confusion morphed into frantic concern as Lazarus tried to calm Lilias down, but there was no reasoning with the female. She swiped a hand through the air and snapped at him, then turned back to Juniper.

“You must tell us everything. We assumed our daughter was lost.”

“She may be soon if we don’t help her.”

Lazarus stepped forward, his energy completely different from what he displayed in the square. “You will come inside and tell us everything.”

They followed the couple into the house, where they sat at a plain table. Lilias offered them water but urged Lazarus to pour. Distraught by the news, she sat in shock and explained, “My daughter was called more than half a millennia ago. We never had the chance to meether mate. The night he claimed her, they left without a goodbye.” Lilias covered her mouth as a soft sob escaped, then gathered her composure. “This is quite a surprise for us.”

“As much as I’d like to be delicate, time is of the essence, and we need your help. The immortal that has her intends to torture her. He wants to punish her for evading him. I believe he already has.”

“Who is this immortal?” Lazarus stood, his hulking body seething with uncontainable rage. “Where is he?”

“I’m not sure. We’ve been traveling nonstop, and my magick’s lagging. I can try another locator spell, but my power’s weak right now.”

“You must regain your strength.” Lilias grabbed the glass of water and flung the contents into a basin on the floor. She sliced open her wrist and filled the cup with her blood. “You will drink and nourish yourself.”

Juniper glanced at Dane. He nodded.

She pulled the cup closer but hesitated. She’d only ever shared Adriel’s vein and didn’t fully understand the laws of blood exchanges. What if this somehow endangered her? They didn’t know these immortals.

“I will pay you the respect of not using compulsion,” Lilias said. “But if what you say is true, my only child is in danger. Please, drink the blood. It is good and strong, and it will help you.”

She looked at the female and recognized lovein her eyes. Nodding, Juniper brought the glass to her mouth. The warm, life-renewing blood was dark and rich, spiced with ancient flavors, and aged like a potent wine. She swallowed every drop and immediately felt its regenerative power working through her system.

“Thank you.”

Dane cleared his throat and pushed his glass toward Lazarus. The old immortal glared at him.

“I’m Juniper. This is Dane.” She glanced at the glass. “We both plan to save Adriel.”

The male immortal snatched the glass and dumped the contents, adding blood for Dane, but only half as much as Lilias offered. “You are a strange pairing. How do you know our daughter.”

“She’s our close friend. We’re risking our lives for her—if that means anything to you.”

“It does,” Lilias said, shooting Lazarus a look of censure.

“Holy shit.” Dane set down the empty glass. “I feel like I just drank lightning.”

“Who has our daughter?” Lazarus snapped, his fist rattling the table.

Juniper swallowed. “His name is Cerberus Maddox XI?—”

Lilias was on her feet. “Impossible!”

Oh shit.She hadn’t expected that reaction. “I’m guessing you know him.”

Adriel’s mother looked up at Lazarus, pure panic in her eyes. “He wouldn’t… After all this time… How…?” She covered her mouth, unable to comprehend.

“Are you claiming thatheis the immortal posing as our daughter’s mate?”

Juniper and Dane nodded. “It’s been five hundred years of hell for her.”