“Can’t argue there, I guess.”
“So, handsome, what can I get for you?”
“You think your fiance would be okay with hearing you call me handsome?”
“He knows I only have eyes for him. He’s very, very secure in our relationship. We actually just tried this new thing where I’m the Dom and…”
Abby snorted and choked on her coffee. Emma was almost too willing to talk about her relationship with Sebastian, and anyone with eyes could see the chemistry between the two of them was volcanically hot.
A warm hand landed on her arm as she continued to cough.
“You okay, Abby?”
“Yeah, yep,” she wheezed.
“I just redid my first aid and CPR certification, so I could jump in to help if you needed it.” His smile lit up his entire face, but she could see the worry in the way his eyes slightly crinkled.
“All good,” she promised. “I’m not sure why, but Emma is always taking me by surprise with the wild things she says.”
Emma laughed as she pushed John’s cup of coffee across the counter.
“Sorry, babe. I do love that I can still shock you after we’ve been friends for so long.”
Abby wasn’t sure that she’d categorize less than a year as beingso long,but there was a comfort in knowing that Emma considered her a close friend. Especially after everything that happened.
“You sure you’re okay?” John asked, his hand still on her arm.
She didn’t speak. Instead, she just nodded up and down like an idiot.
“Yeah, Abby. Are yousure?John seems to really want to practice his mouth to mouth skills with you,” Emma teased.
Abby knew her mouth was hanging open. But she didn’t care. Emma’s absolute lack of a filter was about to make her run back up to her apartment and never come out into the world again.
“Jesus, Em. What has gotten into you this morning?” John rubbed his hand down his beard, and Abby could just make out the fresh pink color painting his cheeks.
“Don’t say Seb,” Abby blurted out.
“You know I don’t like to lie.”
“Well, this certainly has been the most entertaining part of my night shift, but I probably should take my coffee and head out. I need to swing by my parents’ house to get Katy,” Johnturned back towards her. “But I’ll see you at school for drop off, right?”
“I’ll be there. Oh! Don’t forget, she needs an extra change of clothes today because we’re doing bubble experiments. The kids tend to get a little messy.”
“I saw your note last week and remembered to pack her an extra outfit in her backpack last night. But thanks for the reminder.”
“Thanks for the coffee, Em.”
“No problem, John. See you later.”
Abby watched as John walked out of the bakery. Emma wasn’t wrong. He was insanely handsome. Seeing him in his uniform should bring back a flood of memories from the night she was attacked, but it never did. All the times he dropped his daughter off at school, or picked her up in his uniform, all the times Abby ran into him around town, it never made her panic. He always made her feel safe. Always.
“Alright, admit it.” Emma glared at Abby as she pushed her drink across the counter.
“Admit what?”
“Don’t you play dumb with me, Abigail Cooper. You nearly just swooned when John touched your arm.”