“Want to tell me about it?”
“Have you danced in the rain with all your girlfriends?”
“All my girlfriends?”
“You’re stunning, and this is a very romantic thing. I’m just wondering if this is your go-to move.”
Abby felt the deep rumble of laughter roll through his chest.
“I love that you think I’m stunning. But no, you’re the only woman I’ve ever danced in the rain with. The only woman I ever want to dance in the rain with.”
“You’re making my knees feel weak, there, Romeo.”
His arm tightened around her waist.
“That’s okay. I’ll keep you upright until you’re feeling more steady on your feet.”
“What if that never happens when I’m around you?”
“If you think I’m going to complain about needing to hold on to you, you’d be very, very wrong there darlin’.”
“Kiss me,” she whispered.
“Are you sure?”
“Don’t make me ask twice, Deputy.”
His hand went to the back of her head and his fingers gripped her wet hair. Suddenly, her face was being tipped towards him, the rain making her close her eyes as their lips crashed into each other.
“Take me home, John.”
“Take you home?”
“Take me home.” She nipped at his bottom lip, grazing her teeth across his flesh. “Come home with me.”
“Run your cute little bottom over to my truck, baby. I’ll pick this stuff up and be right over.”
“I’m helping.”
“Don’t growl at me unless you want my claws to come out, handsome.”
John groaned and adjusted his jeans.
“Fine. You grab the blanket, I’ll get everything else.”
Abby rolled her eyes as she picked up the wet fabric. John grabbed the bag with their food in it and before she knew what was happening, she found herself being scooped up into his arms. She playfully took the edge of the soaked blanket and traced down his neck.
Rivulets of water were cascading down his skin, and she nipped and licked his neck. His grip tightened on her as they got closer to his truck, and a low groan from John had her reaching up to run her fingers through his hair.
“Abby. You have to stop touching me like that. I’m trying to be a gentleman tonight.”
She stuck her bottom lip out just as he opened the door and deposited her on the seat. She’d honestly expected him to buckle her in, but he closed the door fast, probably to stop the rain from getting in.
John slid into the driver's seat, shaking out the water from his hair before turning on the truck. Abby watched as he turned the heat up, and then she found the courage to leave her seat. Her leg moved over the console and she slipped onto his lap.