John’s heart fell out of his fucking chest and shattered into a million pieces.
Our daughter.
He knew what it meant to be a father. He’d give his life for his daughter a million times over just to keep her safe. He knew that being a deputy meant he might have to give his life to keep a stranger safe. But he never expected to be in a position where he had to leave behind the woman he loved, the woman his daughter saw as a mother, the woman who completed their family, to keep Katy safe.
“There is no choice, John. Get Katy. I’ll keep going. Call for help once she’s safe.”
Flames licked under the bedroom door, the carpet melting and catching. It would eat the hallway up in no time.
“I’m coming back for you.”
“I love you, Deputy Handsome.” She smiled weakly and he felt tears stinging his eyes.
“I love you too, baby.”
John forced his legs to move. To ignore the way Abby coughed and sputtered in the hallway as he made his way to his daughter’s room. He threw the door open, bile surging towards his mouth as his eyes landed on her still body. Every heartbeat felt like torture as he stumbled closer, waiting to see the rise and fall of her little chest.
Just as he was about to scoop her up, he heard her exhale. John pulled his baby into his chest and swore as his foot tripped over the carpet. His shoulder slammed into the door frame, keeping him upright. He looked over at Abby, her wide eyes staring up.
“Is she okay?” Abby cried.
He nodded.
“Get her out of here, John. Go,” she begged.
“I’ll be right back, I promise.” He choked on the tears trying to escape. He turned for the living room and focused all his energy on getting out to the front lawn.
Throwing the door open, John’s legs wobbled and shook as he threw himself out of the house.
“John!” How had he not heard the sirens? Two fire engines and a whole slew of law enforcement vehicles surrounded his house. He stumbled down the sidewalk, his body straining to keep his precious daughter in his arms.
Hank ran towards him. “Fuck. What the hell happened?”
“Abby’s still inside! The hallway to our bedroom! Help her!”
John’s right leg, still partially numb from whatever drugs Laura had laced the cookies with, collapsed under his weight.
“Fuck!” he yelled as he started to fall.
“Whoa.” Hank lunged and grabbed Katy from him. Thankfully, he landed on his side, rolling a half turn until he was looking up at the sky.
“Katy… ambulance,” he wheezed. Hank took off running.
John forced his gaze towards his front door.
Come on. Come on, guys. Get her out. Get her out in time, please.
A firefighter walked out of the front door, arms empty, and John felt tears running down his face. She’d trusted him to save her.
Just one last time.
All they needed wasone last time.
“What did the doctor say, sweetheart?” John’s family surrounded him in the hospital room. He swallowed thickly, trying to clear away the emotions crushing him at that moment.
“Katy’s going to be okay. She didn’t have any signs of smoke inhalation, so they’re just monitoring her at this point to make sure she doesn’t have any side effects from eating the laced cookie.”