Page 122 of Johnathan

“Yeah, he is. Do you think you and John will have babies?”

“God, I hope.” Her face flushed as she spun back towards the stove, stirring the boiling potatoes. She had answered that too fast. What the hell was wrong with her? “I mean, he’s said a couple times now he thinks about what it will be like one day when I’m pregnant. Is it weird that we’ve been together for such a short amount of time and it just…”

“It just feels right?”

Abby spun back around. “Yes. It just feels right.”

“Does that scare you?”

“Maybe a little bit.”

“I think that’s fair. You’re young. And it’s not just John. You’re walking into a relationship and motherhood all at the same time.”

“Oh gosh, I know, but that’s not it at all. I love Katy so much. With my whole heart. The night we came home from having dinner at Nellie and Tom’s, she had a whole meltdown abouthow she wanted ‘mommy’ to put her to bed. She was crying forme. My whole heart belongs to her and John.”

“You’re the right fit for this family, Abby. I wouldn’t say that to just anyone. I’m excited to have you as a sister one day… soon.”

Abby blushed. “I’d love that. And after you have baby number two, maybe John and I can try for one, or two, or five. I know Katy is going to be the best big sister.”

“Five! Don’t say that around your brother. He might have another cardiac episode.”

She winced at Grace’s words. “Do you think I’m being ridiculous?”

“No. I’m sorry. That was meant to be teasing but it came out bitchy. I think John has done a lot of maturing in the last few years. He was a wild one when I left ten years ago, but I can see how completely different he is now. Katy has been his sole focus for so long. Having a baby you take care of by yourself will do that. He knows what he wants, and it’s been made very clear that’s you. As long as you and John are happy and on the same page, that’s what matters. Can you see yourself being with him for the long haul?”

“Yes. I know it’s fast, but I feel like this is a forever sort of thing. I’m sure it was a shock when we showed up to family dinner and shared that I’d moved in with him and Katy.”

Grace smiled, but didn’t say a word.

“Wait. Did you already know before we told you?”

“Are you kidding me?” she laughed. “John basically shouted it out from the rooftop the minute you said yes. I’ll have to add you to the family chat. That man does nothing but gush over you in there.”

“Oh, I don’t know if he’d want me in there. That’s probably too much?—”

Abby watched as Grace pulled out her phone and began typing. A chime rang on Abby’s phone and she swiped it quickly off the counter. There was a new message waiting for her.

Deputy Handsome: Hey guys. Adding Abby to the family chat.

Jackson: Oh, do the two of you have something to tell us?

Grace: Honey, don’t stir the pot. Also, John, finally! I can’t believe I had to mention it to you…

Deputy Handsome: That’s why you are my favorite sister.

Grace laughed and looked up at Abby. “That man of yours sure is a charmer.”

“Yeah, he is.”

Unknown Number: Hi Abby! Finally! Tom and I are excited you’ll be joining family dinners now with John and Katy. We were so sad you couldn’t make it to Thanksgiving, but really understand about wanting to be with your mom and Sam for a low key day. I missed doing this the first time you came over, but I got all of John’s baby pictures out and can’t wait to show them to you.

Deputy Handsome: Mom, I’m going to burn those pictures before she ever sees that horrific bowl cut you gave me.

Abby giggled as she set the contact for Nellie in her phone.

Nellie: You were a beautiful little boy, John, and I know Abby will enjoy seeing those pictures.

Jackson: Yeah, John. You were a BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BOY.