Page 106 of Johnathan

“Called you what, baby?”

“He called me a whore and said that I would see him soon.”

“What the hell?” Jackson sat in the chair across from them.

“I didn’t love being called that, but I don’t think I would have cared about it if he didn’t say the other part. Got away with what? I was all alone here with Katy and I don’t want anything to happen to her.”

“You absolutely did the right thing calling me, baby.” John placed a kiss in her hair. “I need to see your phone.”

“It’s in the kitchen.”

“Are you okay to go get it?”

“Yes.” She pressed her head into his chest for a moment before releasing her hold on him.

“Can you make a pot of coffee while I talk to Jackson? I could use a cup.”

“Of course.”

When John could hear Abby opening the cupboard next to the sink where he kept the coffee, he turned towards Jackson.

“Okay. Tell me what you wouldn’t say in front of Abby. Quietly.”

“There was a car sitting in front of the house when I pulled onto the street.”


“They drove away with their headlights off. I’m not sure if I spooked them or what, but there was definitely someone parked out there.”

“Fuck. Did you get a description?”

“Couldn’t see anything in the dark. I tried speeding up a bit, but they were gone by the time I pulled up. I wanted to get inside and check on Abby and Katy. I wasn’t sure if whoever was in that car had been inside or not. The door was still locked when I got here, though. I used my key to come in.”

“She didn’t say anything about seeing someone out there?”

“No. Gave me a great big hug when I came in, told me about the phone call, and then we just sat here waiting for you.”

Abby walked back into the living room but leaned against the wall instead of coming back over to be near him.

“The coffee is brewing. Here’s my phone.” She pushed away from the wall and dropped the device in John’s open palm. “I need to use the bathroom. Excuse me.”

John watched Abby leave and then turned to his brother.

“You think she’s going to be okay?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah. I’m going to make sure she is. But first, I need to call in a few favors and see if we can get any information off her phone.”

“Whoever it was probably used a burner. She mentioned it came up as an unknown number on her screen.”

“I’ve got to try. I’m starting to think her tires the other day weren't just some random thing.”

A creaking board in the hallway signaled Abby’s return. John swallowed thickly as she walked back into the room.

“Why did you change out of your pajamas?”

“I’m going to run.”

“Abby.” John stood and pulled her into his chest.