“I do, but I also want to be the one to decide when I slip into them. It’s no fun if I can’t be the one surprising you.”
He smiled, holding his hand up to his ear. “Oh, is that my daughter calling? I think she’s ready for me to put her to bed.”
He laughed as he took off down the hallway. Katy was standing by her bookshelf, a baby doll wrapped tightly in her arms.
“Hey there, ladybug. Are you ready to go to sleep?”
“Not you, Daddy.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t want you! I want Mommy! Mommy has to do night nights!!”
He’d been waiting for the meltdown. His sweet girl had held it all together so well up until then. But the change with Abby was big, and probably very overwhelming, even with her being happy about it.
“Katy, I’m going to put you to bed like we always do, okay? But Abby can come in before you go to sleep.”
He watched as Katy’s face turned bright red, her doll dropping to the floor as she stomped her feet over to her bed.
“Katy! You do not speak to me like that.” John’s flustered voice traveled into their room.
Abby ran down the hallway, stopping at Katy’s door.
“What’s going on in here? I thought you were going to sleep, Katy. It’s time for quiet, not shouting.”
“I want you to put me to bed, Mommy.”
John’s whole body went stiff on the bed and Abby felt her heart flutter in her chest.
“Katy… Abby isn’t. I mean, Abby may one day…” he groaned, rubbing his hand down his face.
“John, would you mind waiting out in the hall for one minute? I think Katy and I need to have a girl chat.”
“Girl chat?” he asked as he stood up from the small castle themed bed.
“Yes,” Abby whispered as she put her hand on his chest. “I think today, with me moving in, has been confusing.”
“Okay. I’ll be down the hall if you need me.”
“Alright sweet pea.” Katy’s curly hair was splayed out in an adorable circle around her head. “Were you just shouting for me?”
“Yes. I want you to put me to night-nights.”
“Did you call me mommy?”
Katy nodded. “You’re my mommy now. Mommies live with daddies. You told Grammy you live with daddy. So, you’re my mommy now, right?”
Out of the mouth of babes.Abby felt her whole chest ache with how much she loved Katy. There was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to be this little girl’s mom, more than anything in the whole world, but she wouldn’t overstep the boundary before John made it clear that it was okay.
“You are right. I do live with you and your daddy now. And that is so exciting and I’m already so happy here. But, being a mommy is the most special thing in the whole entire world. It’s the biggest accomplishment I could ever achieve.” Katy’s eyes widened as she looked up at Abby.