Page 55 of Johnathan

“Well, technically, you kissed me. Remember?” He loved the way her cheeks flushed. “So, can I come in?”

She shook her head. “No.”

His stomach sank.

“No? Why not? You said you were okay.”

“I am. It’s because you’re supposed to be picking me up for our date in two hours. And as much as I would love to spend extra time with you, I need those two hours to get ready. So, no. You can’t come in. You need to go home and change out of your uniform. Maybe take a shower. If it’s any consolation, you can think about me while you’re in there, and I’ll think about you while I take mine.”

“Jesus, Abby. I’m going to need a cold shower now.”

She laughed, and there was a brightness in her eyes that wasn’t there when she opened the door.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine. I really appreciate that you came over to check on me, but I’m good. I’ll see you in two hours for our date, alright?”

“Yeah. Two hours. See you then, beautiful.” John pushed away from the door frame and turned, only to be stopped by Abby’s hand on his arm.

She stood on her tiptoes and her pink tongue popped out, licking her lips. Abby raked her teeth across her bottom lip, her eyes searching his. He’d wanted to wait until that night, until he’d pulled off a spectacular date, but seeing the way her eyes sparkled with hope, he couldn’t stop himself.

John bent down and captured Abby’s mouth. His tongue licked out at the seam of her lips, waiting impatiently for her to let him in. She did, and he took the opportunity to explore her mouth completely. His arms wrapped around her waist, letting his hands touch the small of her back which was arched, pressing her chest into his. Her hands made their way into his hair, her fingers raking across his scalp.

It was the most perfect fucking kiss he’d ever experienced.

“I have to go, beautiful. Because if I think about that kiss too long, I’m going to want to do some very ungentlemanly things to you before I even feed you dinner.”

“Tonight. After our date.”

“Can’t wait.”


John knocked on Abby’s door, nerves on high alert from seeing her cry.

He folded his arms across his chest and waited. The door opened, revealing a smiling Abby, who seemed happy to see him. His eyes raked over her body slowly, taking in how amazing she looked in black leather leggings that stuck to every curve on her body and a v-neck style shirt.

And then it hit him. Holy shit. She wasn’t covering up her scar.

“Abby. You look incredible.” He lifted his fingers to her neck and let his fingers settle just below the raised skin.

“You gave me the courage to try.” She held up a jacket in her right hand, smiling. “I’m not sure I’ll make it all night without wanting to cover it, but I’m going to try.”

“No matter what, I’m so damn proud of you for trying.”

He slid his hand around to the small of her back and pulled her into his side. “I’m gonna lock your door. You got the keys?”


“Good girl.”

She pressed her back against the wall of the hallway. “You make me nervous,” she whispered.

“I make you nervous?”

“Yes. Good nervous. Like, butterflies in my stomach every time you look at me, nervous.”

“Oh, baby. You do the same to me.”