“Should I grab you another beer?” she asked John.
“Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks, wifey.”
Abby’s knees buckled ever so slightly as sticky heat rooted itself in her belly. “Save that talk for later, Deputy Handsome.”
His laughter followed her all the way to the kitchen. Grace had her back pushed against the sink, her hand on top of Jackson’s which was gently laid over her lower belly. The stars in their eyes told her Katy had been right.
“Are congratulations in order for you two?”
“Oh, Abby! I can’t even believe it! How did Katy know before us?” A tear tracked down her face before she could bat it away, and Abby felt herself doing the same. It was emotional, in the best way, to see Grace and Jackson celebrating that moment when they’d been struggling to get there.
“I’m so happy for you guys,” Abby said as she cleared her throat.
“We won’t say anything tonight. I don’t want to take away from celebrating you and John,” Grace said.
“Are you kidding me? This is so wonderful! I mean, don’t say anything if you’d rather keep it to yourselves for a bit, but I’m over the moon thrilled for you guys, and I think you should shout it from the rooftop right now. Christmas Eve is meant for sharing our happiness with the ones we love.”
“Why are we driving out this way?” Abby turned around to look at Katy. “She’s out like a light. Don’t you want to get her back to the apartment and into bed? It’s already getting late.”
“No, baby. I’ve got one more Christmas Eve present I want to give you.” John slowed and she heard the blinker click as they pulled up in front of the ranch.
“Are we spending the night with my family?”
“We’re not going to the ranch.” The truck turned into the driveway across the road.
“What?” Abby’s heart skipped a beat as John pulled up to the old farmhouse she loved. Someone had taken the time to wrap all the posts of the wraparound porch in Christmas lights, as well as along the edge of the roof. It looked absolutely magical.
“Ready?” John parked the truck and reached over to squeeze her leg.
“For what?”
“Don’t move. Let me grab Katy and I’ll show you.”
She turned and watched as John got Katy out of her car seat and then made his way around the truck to her.
“Watch your step, beautiful,” he whispered.
“John, what are we doing here?”
“Come on, I’ll show you.”
He tugged her up onto the front porch and her breath caught in her throat when she saw the sign hanging next to the door.
Johnathan & Abigail Boone
“I don’t understand.”
He dropped her hand for a moment, reaching into his pocket. She searched his face for a clue, but all that she saw was his eyes sparkling with excitement.
Then, he handed her a key.
“Welcome home, Abby.”
“What did you do?”
“Let’s go inside and I’ll show you.”
Her breath caught in her throat as she stepped inside. The house was empty, except for the living room, which she could see from the entryway. There was a big mattress on the floor, covered in cozy blankets and fluffy pillows. Someone had taken the time to set up a Christmas tree right next to the large fireplace that was decorated with two big stockings and one that was just slightly smaller.