“Otay.” She smiled up at John. “Mr. Katy’s Dad? Can I bring her cookies?”
John nodded. “I think she would like that. Don’t forget to take one for yourself.”
“No no. Honey doesn’t eat gluten. She has an appropriate snack in my bag, and she can have it after she’s done playing with Katy.”
Abby froze. “Did you let the school know about that? Her dietary restriction isn’t in my classroom notes.”
“Of course I did.” Laura rolled her eyes. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised the school didn’t properly notify you. Seems like certain kids get all the attention and others are left to fight for their lives.”
“I go now, Mommy.”
“Yes, Honey, go find Katy. Make sure you give her that cookie, okay?”
“I’ve got some things to take care of in my office,” John mumbled as he pressed a kiss to Abby’s lips.
“Oh, don’t go before you have a cookie.”
“I’m not a big sweets guy.”
“I get it, it’s just that Honey and I worked hard on them as an apology for how I acted the other day. I know it was wrong, and I appreciate the both of you giving me another chance, for the sake of our daughters’ friendship.”
John shook his head, but grabbed a couple of the cookies off the plate and grumbled some form ofthank youbefore he took a bite and headed down the hallway.
“So, you live here now?” Oh, there was definitely a tone of disapproval in her voice, but Abby didn’t care. She wasn’t working on anyone’s timetable. All that mattered was what was right for her and John and Katy. And she’d never been happier than the past few weeks as they all settled into their new dynamic.
“I moved in a few weeks ago,” she admitted.
“And that isn’t somehow a conflict of interest with Katy being in your class? You know, if you start treating her better than the other students, there are going to be consequences.”
It clicked. Laura was the one who had complained to the school. Abby took a cookie from the plate and ate it while staring at Laura. If she wanted to play that game, Abby wouldn’t back down.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m a professional and can separate my home life from my work life.”
“Mm, I guess we’ll see about that.”
Laughter from the girls came down the hall.
“Would you like to sit in the living room? I’m sure things between us can be civil until the girls are done playing.”
It was horribly awkward.
“Laura, what do you do for work? I remember you mentioning you were training someone at the hospital.” Abby swallowed thickly. Her voice sounded distant, and the whooshing noise in her ears was growing louder. Was she about to have a migraine? They had never presented like that before.
“That’s right. The night I first saw you and John together. Didn’t realize what a homewrecker you were then, but I’m glad I know now.”
“Why did you ask for a play date with Katy if you were going to come into our home and be hostile towards me?”
“Because you didn’t suffer any of the other times.”
“I didn’t what? What other times?” Abby noticed her words slurred and the living room swam in front of her.
“Mommy, Katy fell asleep! We go home now?” Honey came running down the hall, bounding into Laura’s arms.
Katy fell asleep?
“Yes, Honey. Katy, her dad, and Ms. Abby are all going to take a little nap. It’s time for you to go to Granny Jane’s house.”