“No. There’s still no update on that. I didn’t want to say anything, but one of the moms was inappropriate with me. I handled it, but I don’t think she took it well.”
Abby’s heart sped up. “Who? Inappropriate, how?”
“What did she say to you?” Abby picked up more plates to keep her hands busy.
“She said my job must be stressful, and that she could help relieve that stress.”
“What the hell?”
“I told her immediately that she was out of line and that I’m not single. I made it clear, we’re together, and I’mnotinterested in her.”
Oh, she was pissed. How dare Laura insult her and then corner John, trying to put him in an uncomfortable situation? What if someone had overheard their conversation?
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Are you? She shouldn’t have put you in that position. I mean, we haven’t been overly public about our relationship, but before she went in to ask about the play date, she gave me a big speech about making sure I was being appropriate with you here. I weirdly want to claw her eyes out.”
John pulled her into his chest. “Love that you’re possessive over me, baby. But I set her straight right away. I’m with you. I love you. You’re the only woman I want. And if you are atall uncomfortable with it, we can just say Katy isn’t free this weekend.”
“No. That’s not fair to Katy or Honey. Laura made it a big thing in front of both girls that they’d be seeing each other on Sunday before she left. We might as well just do it and get it over with.”
“Why do I have a feeling we are going to regret this?”
Abby shrugged. “Probably because we will. But at least the girls will have a good time.”
“I’m still all for canceling this,” John grumbled. “She was completely out of line at the winter carnival, and now she’s going to be in our home.”
“I know, but Honey is Katy’s best friend right now. I feel like we should make the effort with Laura. Maybe she’ll even apologize for her behavior. She could have just been having an off day.”
John placed a kiss on his head as he walked by. “You are too forgiving.”
“Oh, I may be forgiving, but I will never forget.” Her eyes drifted to the front window, and she sighed. “They’re supposed to be here in a few minutes. I want you to work in your study while she’s here.”
“I don’t think you should be stuck dealing with her all by yourself.”
“And I don’t think I can stand watching her flirt with you in front of me in our house. So, just excuse yourself once she’s here, and I’ll scream if she says something that makes me want to scratch her eyes out.”
“How about if you make it throughwithoutincident, I’ll reward you tonight, and you’ll still get to put those claws to good use.”
She stuck her lip out in a pout and laughed as he tipped her chin and kissed her, raking his teeth over that lip. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched a deep blue sedan pulled into their driveway. “I think that’s them.”
“I’ll head to the door and let them in.”
Laura’s voice floated into the kitchen a minute later, and Abby put on her brightest smile. “Oh, John, your house is so lovely. You can see how well you’ve done making it into a home for Katy. I always admire a guy who has a sense of style.”
“Yeah. Thanks.” His clipped answer had Abby laughing as she turned around to greet their guests.
“Hi, Honey. Katy is in her room playing. It’s just down that hall if you want to go find her.”
“Mama?” Honey turned to Laura for approval.
“Of course, sweetie. Let’s ask Katy’s dad if you can bring her one of the cookies we made.”