“She might be your baby sister, but she’s not a child. I would fucking lay down my life to protect her, Sam. Abby and Katy aremywhole world. They’remygirls.”
Sam remained pale, his emotionless face looking as if it was carved from pure granite. “I need a minute with my sister.”
John didn’t leave her side. Instead, he squeezed his arm around her even tighter than he had been before. She could tell Sam had something to say, and he wouldn’t get it off hischest until John left. The sooner he said it, the better the whole situation would be.
“It’s fine, John. I’ll be out in two minutes.”
He nodded at Sam and placed a kiss on Abby’s cheek before ducking out of the building and closing the door behind him.
Abby’s eyes drifted back to her brother.
“Are you mad?”
Sam walked directly up to her, right until their boots were touching, and then he pulled her into a hug.
“I’m not mad. I’m happy for you, Abby. John is one of the most respectable guys I know. He wouldn’t be my friend if he wasn’t. And I know how much you love kids, so I’m sure you’re over the moon about being in Katy’s life, not just as her teacher.”
She could hear the smile in his voice and instantly relaxed.
“Mom told me she saw this in her tarot cards this morning. How ridiculous is that?”
“According to her, those cards never lie.”
“I’m sure she also thinks the pink quartz stone she gave me to sleep with under my pillow is the reason John and I are together.”
“Isn’t it?” Sam laughed as she scowled.
“How is it possible that our strict as hell, cowboy-through-and-through father fell for the hippie chick who thinks the universe is talking to her through cards and gemstones?”
“They were quite the couple.”
“I miss him so much, Sam.”
“I know you do, dove. He loved you so much.”
She sniffled as he pulled her back into another hug.
“So, we’re okay?”
“Yeah. Of course we are. I just wanted to make John sweat a bit. Well, more than wanted. I needed to. You and I can pretend we’re fighting for a few more minutes while he paces around outthere. A little payback for not telling me what was going on right away.”
“That’s not nice.” Abby playfully pinched his arm as she pushed away from him.
“It’s all in good fun. I’m sure he’s outside right now wondering why I acted like that. John is a great guy. A little old for you, but I guess I’m just going to have to deal with that. I know he would never do anything that would hurt Katy, and the way he talked about loving you… yeah, I know he’ll protect you the same way.” Sam sucked in a sharp breath and looked around the shed.
“You okay?” Abby asked.
He nodded. “Look, John broke bro code, and he knows it. Let him stew in the worry for a minute before we let him know everything’s okay. No one ever said I… Ow, shit.” Sam swayed, the last bit of color draining from his face. His fist went to his chest, before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body fell to the ground.
“Sam!” Abby dropped to her knees and frantically felt her brother’s neck for a pulse.
She couldn’t find it.
Was he…
Had he just…
They were going to be fine. Sam knew he was an honest man. John was being one thousand percent honest when he said heloved Abby. She was the best thing that had happened to him since Katy was born.