
“Lou. He’s Jason, the hotel guy. I borrowed his phone to call you when mine was too wet to plug in.”

“Okay. Go on.”

“He, Jason, rescued me. He tried to jump-start Bertie, then when that didn’t work, he towed me back to the hotel. And I thought, oh great, I’ll just check into a room at the hotel, because, you know, it’s a hotel. But it’s closed.”

“Oh, no.”

“But, it’s alright, because Jason owns the hotel.”

“Yay. So, he can let you in and you can stay in a room?”

“Well, no. Because it’s shut and there’s no one there. Like no one.”

“So, if you’re not in the hotel, then where are you?”

“In the gatehouse, where Jason lives with Rocko, his dog, which is tiny. The house, not the dog. Rocko is enormous. One bedroom, a lounge, a kitchen, and a bathroom.” I breathe and listen as the shower turns off. “Lou. I think I’m in love.”

“Are you really?”


“But Charlie. Look. I don’t want to catastrophize, but maybe he’s an ax murderer.”

“He’s not.”

“How can you be so sure?” Lou’s voice is panicky again. “Wait there. I’m coming to get you, right now.”

“No. Lou. You can’t. Roads are closed and we’ve been told to stay put, remember?”

“Yeah. I know. But I’m scared for you.”

“Lou. I’m okay.” I can see how my situation looks from the outside. If it was Lou in my spot right now, I would want to come get her too. “Listen. I wasn’t convinced, because you hear this sort of thing on… What’s that TVshow,Don’t Be a Dumbass, something like that. And I’ve seenPsycho. I know what happens. But I spoke to his sister.” Rocko ambles over, climbs up onto the couch beside me, and rests his big old head on my lap. “Lou. He’s about the nicest person ever. Okay, so he’s given me a lecture about road safety and what to pack to get yourself out of trouble on a trip. And he’s a bit judgy about fairies and Christmas and whatnot. But that’s because he’s never been to Coachella.”

“The hot guy from the party, huh? Wow. You’re going to be snowed in with him?”




“Be careful.”

“I am. And Rocko is a very cool dog. He is really big. About the biggest dog I’ve ever seen. But I think he likes me.”

“Charlie. I’m so pleased you’re safe. Thanks for calling me back. I was out of my mind with worry.” There’s a pause and I hear Lou talk with someone. “Calvin says hi. And if anything happens… Gosh. We’re both going to come out there and…”

“Alright. I got to go.” Jason opens the bathroom door and closes it behind him. “Lou. I love you.”

“You too. Muah!”

Jason pauses in the living room doorway as he towels his hair. “Lou. Is that your boyfriend?” He smiles then walks through to the bedroom. “I have a bunch of missed calls from him on my phone.”

“No. Lou. Louise. She’s my best buddy,” I say stroking Rocko’s ears as Jason comes into the living room and sits on the wingback chair. “And also, my business partner. Well. There are three of us at Sparkle Entertainers. Lou’s boyfriend, Calvin, is the third partner. He’s a wizard.”

The storm has fully set in and rages outside. Jason relaxes back and appraises me across the room.