It gives me more time with Dante - to appreciate that we found each other after all this time.
After a shared dessert, Dante grins and lifts me into his arms again.
"Well, seeing as I have you to myself all night, I think I want to make the most of it." He says, carrying me back into the bedroom and kicking the door closed behind us.
He lowers me onto the bed, lying on top of me, holding my face in his hand while he kisses me softly.
My heart is full, and I know I am falling for this man.
It's been him since the moment I met him that night.
And it was him again when our paths crossed the second time - and now - more than ever - it is him.
He has my heart, but I am still filled with fear about what my father will do. I am filled with fear about what Dante will do when he learns I have his child - safe at my home.
His kiss is tender, and pushes all my worry aside, deciding to enjoy tonight as much as I can. I want to make the most of our time together - because I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.
Our night together is even more magical than I have fantasized it would be.
Falling asleep with her in my arms is better than I could have imagined.
I hold her close, and sleep finds me, the scent of her hair and skin soothing my dreams.
The steady rhythm of the train as it travels around the city is like a lullaby.
We made love twice more before we both fell asleep.
And I even now, as soon as I wake up with her in my arms, I want her again. Her body is warm against mine, curved and fitting against me as though she belongs here.
She stirs, restless. She mutters something in her sleep, waking herself up. I listen, but I can't make out what she's saying. When her beautiful green eyes blink at me and that soft smile traces across her lips, I lean down and kiss her. "Morning, little fox," I say quietly.
"Morning." She mumbles, snuggling her face into my chest.
When we are awake, which is a slow and lazy process, we enjoy a coffee and an English breakfast on the train.
Then the conductor announces over the intercom that we are nearing the end of our journey.
I don't want to go back to the city - back to my normal life. This night with her has been incredible.
Finding out that she is the woman from the gala - it allowed me to really open up and accept that I am falling for her.
It was always there - this connection. It's the reason I couldn't stay away from her. But now what am I supposed to do about this?
I still don't know who she is. I know nothing about her life apart from what she has shared with me, which is nothing.
I know I have some very intense feelings towards her - but what do I do with those feelings?
I'm obsessed with finding out everything now.
"I have had an incredible time, Dante. I don't want it to end yet."
"So did I, little fox. When will I be able to see you again?"
"I'm not sure. Soon I hope."
The train comes to a stop, and we leave the breakfast table. Both of us were lost in thought. I think we are both processing the truth - and a little sadness at having to leave. This was an escape from the reality of my life, but there was always something waiting for me.