It makes me even more curious to uncover who she is, and my desire to see her again is growing stronger by the day. I don't know how much longer I will be able to ignore it.
Perhaps I need to host another casino event. Another masked ball. Perhaps she will come in the same gold dress to let me know who she is.
The elevator doors slide open, and I walk towards the restaurant section where I've got a table reserved in the private area - so that I can meet with a potential ally.
What I want to do is cancel this meeting and join Lorenzo to follow his lead. I shouldn't be sitting at a lavish restaurant, talking shit, wasting time - I should be out there looking for.
I sigh in annoyance at myself. There are men all over this city searching for her.
My time is better spent creating power and building wealth. Lorenzo will call me if the lead shows promise.
I will find out what happened to my little sister.
And I will find out who is responsible.
And when I do, I will tear that person limb from limb. I will destroy their entire world and everyone and anything they care for.
Stepping into the restaurant, the manager nods, smiles, and gestures toward the private eating area. My guest is already here.
I walk into the room with a bold step and my shoulders back. My stance is effortless and effective.
The man waiting to meet me stands up, stammering over his words, he holds out his hand to shake mine.
"Mr. Russo. Thank you so much for meeting me today. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it."
"Mr. Tailor. Welcome to my casino! Why don't we get straight to the point and you can tell me what it is you want?"
I sit down and the man rests his elbows on the table, twirling his glass of vodka in his shaky hands as he talks.
I thought he was someone more powerful. This is not what I was expecting. He is from another low-level family, eager to ride on the coattails of my name and enjoy the benefits of protection that being my ally offers.
Sure, I've turned down some of these requests. There are people I do not want to be associated with - scum with ties to human trafficking and sex rings. Not my style. Consent is sexy.
But this man is the owner of a smaller casino nearby. He deals with low-level drug distribution; he flies under the radar. He is the type of person who is useful for gathering information -- someone overlooked, underestimated, and quiet. He's an asset and I'll use him to work in the search for my sister. I don't take on charity cases. He'll earn his keep and build his own brand under the protection of my name.
The man stands up, smiling and looking relieved.
"Thank you, Mr. Russo. Thank you so much. Anything you need, or anything I can do for you - you just call and I'll be there."
"Mr. Tailor, it's my pleasure. Welcome to the family of allies. I will inform you when to attend our monthly meeting. We like to stay in touch even when things are calm. I will reach out when I need you."
Mr. Tailor nods, still smiling, and I watch as he scuttles from the restaurant. I'll give him a few days before I ask for any favors. He will benefit from my protection the minute he walks out of the casino.
After the meeting, I've got the rest of the afternoon free and I want to get in a session at the gym. It helps me clear my thoughts. I usually go before the day starts, but this morning was chaos. I glance at my watch. It's almost four o'clock.
I'll hit the gym, then after a shower I make my way to the underground sector of the casino.
The huge cement-walled industrial elevator that carries me down beneath the floors of my empire is cold and daunting.
The doors slide open, and I step out into a different world compared to the one above, with lights music, and color.
This world is gray. Industrial. People hurry back and forth, pushing massive steel-framed carts carrying products that will make their way into the tunnel network and out to wherever they need to be.
Lorenzo is already there when I get there. I walk over to where he is talking to the shift manager.
"Sir, shall we head to my office? It's noisy in here to talk."
I nod, then follow him, along with Lorenzo, into a cornered off-steal-walled room. It's insulated against the sound outside.