Page 56 of Unspoken Obsession

Each dining area unit is behind a tinted glass wall. It offers privacy without cutting you off from the other passengers. Then the entire side of the unit that looks outward is glass - giving us uninterrupted views of the city and landscape we will travel past.

While Frankie is getting comfortable, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Earlier, I asked Lorenzo to report on what he found at the location of the tracker. I'm hoping it's him.

"Excuse me for just a moment," I say, opening the message from Lorenzo.

"It's no problem." She smiles.

Lorenzo: Can I call?

Damn. I guess it is quicker to explain that way. Before I answer him, my phone is ringing.

"I'm really sorry about this. I won't be long at all." I step out of the unit and walk a little way down the passage of the train.

"Hello," I say, speaking in hushed tones.

"You wanted an update about her place?"

"Yes, go ahead."

"It's a mediocre apartment block. I looked around inside her place and it looks like she's been moving around a lot. She has no belongings there. Maybe it isn't even where she lives. If she lives there, she is sharing the place with a friend. In the bedroom, there was a woman asleep next to a kid. So, her roommate was home but didn't wake up. She must be using the place as a temporary spot, perhaps crashing with a friend? It's so sparse and not very homely."

"You found nothing out about who she is?"

"Nothing. I didn't want to wake the friend and the friend's kid either, so I got out as quick as I could. But—there was nothing to find."

"Thanks," I mutter, annoyed that again I've hit a brick wall with finding out anything about her.

I slid my phone into my pocket and returned to our unit. Frankie is taking in the surroundings, loving every moment.

She picks the candle up and sets it down again. "Oh, that's clever. They used magnets to keep it on the table." She laughs, looking at every detail and taking it all in.

"You haven't been on the Red Train either?" I ask, sliding into my seat.

"No, this is my first time."

"What made you choose it, then?"

"I wanted something different - something a man who has everything has maybe not experienced." Her smile is electrifying, and it pulls me into her eyes.

She continues to captivate me every time I see her.

But tonight, I want to ask the tough questions. I want to force answers from her.

She knows who I am - isn't it fair that I learn who she is as well?

Again, I am agitated because even the tracker proved useless. She's just crashing at a friend's place. If that is where she lives, even. Maybe she just spent the night there. I don't know. Maybe I need to reconsider the choice of forcing her to speak. But torturing her will destroy whatever we have grown between us—and I really like whatever is growing between us.

"I guess it would also be difficult for your father's bodyguards to follow us out here," I say as the train engine hoots to life, the whistleblowing.

"Yes, that was a bonus." She nods, looking out of the window.

"Why did you and your father not see eye to eye? What made you dislike him?" I ask, now that we are on the topic of her father. If I can find out who he is, then I can find out who she is.

She sighs and pulls her mouth tight.

"My father is strict. He is controlling and overbearing. Ever since I was really little - all I can remember about my childhood is that I wasn't allowed to make my own choices. Like my father was in control of every aspect of my life. Rigid rules, routine, and no room for emotions, or fun."

"So - you left? I mean, you left wherever you grew up. Does your father live in Las Vegas? Is this where you grew up?"