Page 55 of Unspoken Obsession

"Where are we going?" He asks, still grinning at me.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I giggle.

"I don't know - it's just the way you are smiling. It makes me happy."

I laugh and point ahead of us. "Drive. I'll guide you as we go."

"Oh - you are keeping it a secret I see."

"It makes it that much more exciting."


We drive through the city, past all the best restaurants in the area, and I wonder what she has up her sleeve. She looks excited and keeps glancing over at me with a cheeky grin.

She looks gorgeous today.

That lace summer dress and her white sneakers - she looks divine.

"Are we almost there?" I ask, for the third time as we turn off the main road and head down a long dirt road.

"I think so." She says.

"Finally, I am on the edge of my seat with anticipation." I laugh.

As we turn the corner, I realize what she has planned.

In front of us is a bright red train. Shining and looking smart.

"Are we going on the train?" I ask in surprise.

"Yes, it's dinner, wine tasting, and a trip around the city." She grins, looking at me with a hopeful expression.

She is waiting for my response.

I am dumbstruck. In all of Las Vegas - out of all the things she could have chosen for us - she chose the one thing I have never done.

I shake my head, smiling from ear to ear. "You are full of surprises, Frankie. I've never been on the train before. I've heard about it - I guess I just had no one to go with."

"Well, we are going right now."

I park the car outside the train station, and we climb out. The air is warm and crisp, and I can already tell it is going to be a beautiful sunset.

I step closer to Frankie. She also chose a place where we don't have to worry about other people seeing us together. Although - now that she knows who I am - does it even matter anymore?

It does.

It matters because I don't know who she is yet.

Until I know who she is, I think my guard will remain up. And I think it is better to keep whatever is happening between us more private.

And there isn't anything more private than dinner for two on the famous Red Train.

At the ticket office, Frankie gives them her booking reference, and the conductor welcomes us onto the train. "You are in unit seventeen. Enjoy your dinner experience with us." He smiles and gestures for us to walk along the passage.

We get comfortable in our unit at a table elegantly spread with a white tablecloth, white roses, and candles set in very heavy-based holders.

There is a room alongside the dining area - a bedroom for those who book overnight trips. Frankie needs to be back at twelve, so I guess that isn't us.