My hand touches an object I don't recognize. I lift a small round disc out of the bag and stare at it in confusion. I know exactly what it is. A tracker. Is this from my father? Why would he need to track me though? He has Dumb and Dumber following me everywhere? He's known where I've been since I arrived. Was this just to track my other movements? I'm sick to my stomach as I turn the metal disc in my fingers. I need to get rid of it -- somewhere far from my home. But now I am terrified about who else is watching me. What do they want?
I set the tracker aside and picked up my phone.
It's a message from Dan. Even though I've spent the last few days trying to convince myself to leave him in peace - seeing his name on my phone right now, I'm thrilled. It's like a bright warm light amongst the chaos of everything else happening. I need this relief—this happiness. I need him.
I open the message with a smile on my face.
Dan: Hi, beautiful. I see there is another high-stakes game at La Muse. I assume you will be playing tonight then? I thought perhaps we could get dinner beforehand.
I hadn't realized there was another game. I want to play. And I've really missed Dan. After the unwelcomed visit by my father's here, I am eager to relax - and Dan's presence is as much a comfort as it is a complication in my life.
I type my response.
Me: Of course, I will be playing. We can eat dinner at the casino at seven.
Dan: Perfect. I'll make a reservation and send you the confirmation.
I finish my coffee and start to relax.
I will have to tell Clarissa not to open the door for anyone, no matter what. The hard truth is though - that if my father wanted to take my son he wouldn't need to do anything other than walk up to me and pull him from my arms. He has enough power and enough strength to get away with something like that. I couldn't fight him and wouldn't stand a chance against his millions in court.
I scrunch my eyes closed. There is no point in dwelling on such negative thoughts.
My son is safe. No one is going to take him.
Stressing about things that have not happened will get me nowhere.
After a lovely day spent with Damion playing games and reading his favorite stories - I am heading out of the apartment.
Dressed in a long dark gray dress of glossed silk that looks like melted metal as it moves over my body - I head downstairs to meet my Uber.
I don't see my entourage anywhere. Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum are missing today.
My luck -- they will show up at the casino later; there is a game on tonight and they know I will be there.
On the way to the casino, I dispose of the tracker inside the Uber. It will keep moving around and confuse whoever is following me.
At least Dan has booked us the VIP room in one of La Muse's restaurants. It is a private room where I won't worry about who is watching me. No one can get in without a reservation and my babysitters are not that smart.
I can take a break from all of my worries and just enjoy the dinner.
I've missed Dan. I'm looking forward to seeing him. At this point, he is more of a comfort to me than counting cards.
I walk into the restaurant and the hostess leads me to the private room.
Dan is already there. He stands up and walks over to me, pulling me into his arms he kisses me before I even say hello.
I melt against him, leaning into his broad, solid chest -- letting the familiar scent of his cologne wash over me. I close my eyes and let him steal me away from everything with his lips.
He leans back and smiles down at me. His blue eyes are warm and inviting.
"You look as incredible as ever." He says, his hand drifting down my back and sending shock waves through me.
"So do you." I grin, running my hand over his chest.
He leads me to the table and pulls the chair out for me, tucking it in behind me. Then he sits down next to me and with his leg against mine beneath the table. I wonder how I stayed away from him for so long.
His eyes are bringing back memories of the night from the gala.