Page 33 of Unspoken Obsession

The server is standing next to the table, waiting to take our order.

"I'll have the bacon, avocado, and rocket please - toasted."

"Excellent choice. And for you sir?"

"Same. Thanks."

"Are you sure? There are a lot of different options."

"I trust your taste, if you like that one, I will too."

The server takes our menus and then confirms "So, it's two cappuccinos and two bacon, avo, rocket - both toasted."

Frankie nods.

I stare at her from across the table, wondering what secrets she is keeping - and why?

She looks at me, locking her gaze with mine. "What did you think?"

"About?" I ask, confused.

"The art?" She laughs.

"Oh, yes, that, I really like his style. Very graphic and bold. I've got my eye on one piece. I will call Michael later and arrange the sale."

"The one with the stop sign in neon colors?"

"Yes, where it's painted from the viewpoint as though he was lying on the road. I really like the way it draws you into the image."

"That was my favorite too."

We chat, enjoying each other's company and not even noticing how quickly the afternoon goes by. I keep reaching across the table to hold her hand or letting my hand rub over her thigh beneath the table. I can't stop touching her - I can't get enough of her. She is intoxicating, and it's becoming a problem.

I'm obsessed with her - even though I know so little about her. It is driving me crazy wanting to know everything.

"What part of Canada is your family from?"

She bites at her lower lip, and I can see her pausing to decide how to answer me.

"My father is nearby. I don't have family in Canada."

"Why did you live there then?"

"It was peaceful. It was just - what I needed."

"You don't strike me as being a quiet life kind of girl."

"Oh." She laughs. "And what kind of girl do I strike you as being?"

"A smart girl who can handle her own in any situation. Resourceful, talented, driven - and beautiful." I smirk.

"Mmm. Are you trying to butter me up? Because it's working." She tilts her head to the side as she grins at me.

After lunch I am sitting in my car, watching Frankie walk away from me - down the street. I don't know if she is going towards her own car or to catch an Uber. But for a moment I am caught in an internal battle because I want to follow her. It would be a bad idea. If she saw me, it would destroy whatever is between us. It's safer to get Lorenzo to handle that and for me.

I am already taking risks every time I go out with her in this city; someone who knows me could see me and give away my name.

I pick up my phone and dial Lorenzo.