Page 10 of Unspoken Obsession

And that's why I am leaving Las Vegas.

I spend a week researching and preparing.

I choose a small town, a little place in the middle of nowhere that I've never even heard of - a place where no one will recognize me, and no one will think to find me. I've juggled with the idea of telling my father and not telling my father why I am leaving and where I am going - but I decided on a medium ground between the two. I will tell him why I am leaving, but I will not tell him where I am going.

By telling him why - he will understand my choice and respect it enough to not come chasing after me - but I will keep the location a secret just in case he can't relinquish that control over me he is so desperate to maintain.

I'm writing my father a letter because I'll have to sneak away. There is no other option. The morning I leave my father's house, the sky is still dark. I sneak out and walk farther down the road, out of sight, before the Uber I booked meets me.

My heart is racing with fear when I climb in and toss my one small bag of luggage into the back seat, looking back to see if someone saw me sneaking out.

"To the train station, please," I say with a million knots in my stomach.

A flight to Canada would be faster and more comfortable, but much easier to trace. From now on I live off the map, off grid and hidden.

I travel the long way, stopping and switching trains, catching a lift with a stranger, switching back to the train - and after what seems like an eternity I reach the small cabin at the side of the forest that I've rented using my fake identity.

There is a note pinned to the door by the old lady, who is my landlord.

Welcome, if you need anything, just shout. It's all unlocked and the keys are hanging on the hook inside the door. I'll be going into town on Saturday morning if you want a ride.

I smile. This is a small town where people take care of each other.

Running my hand over my stomach in a protective gesture and whispered, "We are going to be ok here." Then I push the door open and walk into my new home.

A cozy log cabin, with a built-in fireplace and an open plan living room and kitchen area. One small bedroom and views of the forest and the lake on all sides.

I smile.

Despite having to leave everything I'm familiar with and comfortable with behind, I think I will like it here.

Months roll by and my belly seems to grow bigger every time I breathe. I can't believe how quickly my little baby is growing.

I got a job at the local flower shop, and I know everyone in the little town by name. The local farmers come and drop fresh vegetables off every week and on Wednesdays, I play cards with my old landlord. She's so lovely. I get along with her really well.

There is a man who visits the flower shop often, Jake. He has a kind, gentle face and he is always asking me out—but I can't find it in my heart to say yes. It doesn't seem fair to be with someone else while my heart is still so consumed by the man I met at the gala.

But, over time he accepts I am not looking for anything like that and we've become good friends.

I've invited him around for dinner this weekend. It will be nice to talk to someone. My life has been empty and boring since I arrived here. It's so quiet, nothing ever happens.

Life here is the polar opposite of the eventful, wild, and dangerous world I come from. Sometimes I miss it. Others I don't.

Either way, it doesn't matter - because being here is necessary for the safety of my baby and myself.

My eyes are always wide open, always on the lookout for my father's men.

But so far, I've not been bothered by anyone. I don't think it is his choice to leave me alone. I believe he can't find me, despite his valiant efforts.

I doubt it will last very long; he's a resourceful monster.

The fear is a perpetual whisper just beneath the surface. Fear of being dragged back home, fear that he will force me to give up my baby - it is always there.

But there is another whisper that plays with my mind - that mysterious and gorgeous man I met at the casino.

My baby's father.

Over time, what I remember of his face has faded from my memory, but not the way he made me feel. That passion will never leave my heart. Sometimes I wishfully daydream that he would find me, and we will be together. It's a childish notion, as we live in the real world where he more likely forgot about me the moment I walked away.