Page 106 of Unspoken Obsession

Tears spring to my eyes and flood down my cheeks as I cough her name.

"Daniela?" I stammer, then try again. "Dani?—"

"Is it really you?" She says into the phone. "Is it really you, Dante?" She is crying as well; her voice is thick with tears, and I can hear her breathing heavily.

Frankie is staring at me with her hand over her mouth and tears glittering in her eyes.

"It's me, Dani, I - are you - what is happening?" I can't breathe. I don't know what is going on. My sister is alive.

"The housekeeper said it was you on the phone, but I thought it was a trick. I thought - I didn't think it would really be you."

"Are you in Bali? Why are you there? Did you get kidnapped? How did you escape?" questions pour from my lips in an unorganized chaos of thoughts. I want to know everything, right now.

She laughs, and I can still hear the tears in her throat.

"Dante, I got away. They took me and someone helped me to escape."

"Tell me everything," I demand.

"Antonio Musetti's men kidnapped me. He told me he was going to destroy you by taking me away from you. The only family you had. They sold me, along with other girls, to a man in New York." She takes a moment.

"A man named Bernard Lux. A few months ago, we found out that his home was broken into, and he was murdered. A piece of news that was a joyous relief. I was held captive in hisbasement with about eight other girls for three months." That is an eternity.

"We went through hell. I still can't talk about what happened - but I stayed strong - because you always taught me to be strong - and then something amazing happened. One night at a party his son came to the house. His son, Nathan, never got along with his father. They hated each other. Nathan hated everything about his father. Nathan saw me at the party and when our eyes locked, it was as though we had known each other for years. A lifetime." She takes a breath, steadying her voice and calming her thoughts.

"I'm here. I'm listening." I say to reassure her.

"Nathan helped me fake my death because no girl ever leaves that house alive. He knew a body bag was the only way to get me out. He got me out then we ran away together. He gave up everything for me. We moved as far away from his father as we could. We had to change my name, get me a new identity because not only would Brandon Lux look for me if he found out I was alive - but so would Antonio Musetti." She takes a sharp breath in.

"But, Dante, if you know I'm alive then Musetti will find out too." She says, the fear in her voice a hint of the horror that she went through.

"He cannot get to you anymore, Dani. He is in the slammer, forever."

"But who told you I was alive - who gave you this number?"

On the phone, I hear a man's voice. "It was me, my love." He says.

My sister turns to talk to someone else. "Nathan - you told my brother?"

I swallow hard, waiting, listening, I am drowning and being saved at the same time.

"I sent your brother a message because I heard Musetti had been put away. I wasn't sure if it was real or some scam in the media. I trusted your brother would know if it was safe or not to be in touch with you."

I hear Dani laughing and crying. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She says to Nathan. Then she comes back on the phone.

"Dante, if Musetti really is in jail and Brandon is dead - I can come home and visit you. I've missed you every day and thought about you every day for years."

"Nathan," I say, needing to clear the air. "Before we carry on, I need you to know that I am the one who is responsible for your father."

"Then you are the one who I need to thank." He replies, simply and calmly. There is no animosity between us. "If it is alright with you, I can have Blake - sorry - Dani, on a plane with me tonight. We can head over to Las Vegas. She talks about you all the time and I think it is about time I met her brother."


Ileave Dante in the dining room, talking to his sister on the phone, catching up on years of lost time while I make breakfast for Damion.

That call has left me shocked to my core and I think Dante is going to need some time to process everything that just happened.

He is smiling though. He is overrun by emotions, and he is smiling so much that his face is going to hurt soon.