Page 62 of Unspoken Obsession

The drive back to the casino is quiet but comfortable. I have my hand on her leg the entire way and I keep glancing over at her - right at the same time as she glances at me. We laugh every time it happens.

I wish she was comfortable enough with me to tell me what she was running from. What made her go to Canada? It's fucking cold there, and I can see she is a summer person. The sun loves her, it kisses her skin and makes her features glow. I can't imagine her trudging through the snow.

I know I will find out one way or another - I just wish she would tell me.

Outside the casino, in the underground parking area where she left her car, I pull her close to me and hold her against my body for a long time.

"Frankie, please don't disappear on me."

"I won't disappear." She promises with a sparkle of regret in her eyes as she gazes up at me.

I let her go and stood there, watching her climb into her car, and pull away. To where - I have no idea. It takes all my self-control not to follow her, to let her keep her secrets.

Glancing at my watch, I only have about thirty minutes before I meet with Lorenzo. It might be just enough time to run upstairs and take a quick shower before I start the day.

Back in work mode, surrounded by the noises of the casino, my mind is stuck back on my sister's disappearance and the things Lorenzo wants to discuss.

I wonder what it is he has found.

I don't have to wait long to hear.

In no time at all, Lorenzo and I are seated in a private section at the downstairs restaurant.

He orders a coffee, and I order the same.

"Alright, what can you tell me? Did you find out anything about Antonio Musetti?" I will not sit here waiting. I want to know.

He nods. "You are going to love and hate this," he sighs, strumming his fingers on the table. He only does that when he's worried, or anxious. I don't like it. It means that whatever he has found out is bad enough that he is afraid to tell me.

"You'll love it because I think it means we have found the link we were missing, but you'll hate it because of what it is—" Why is he stalling?

"Just fucking spit it out already, man. Stop fucking around."

"Sorry." He sighs, pushing his hand through his short, cropped hair.

"Antonio Musetti. Do you remember a few years ago when we investigated him and there were some really hushed rumors about him being involved in human trafficking - but the more we looked into it the more it looked like a load of bull shit made up by one of his ex-wives."

"Yeah, I remember." I fold my arms across my chest and lean back in my chair, trying to stop the buzz of rage that is radiating through me.

I am feeding off Lorenzo's energy, and it's prickling with the need to smash something.

"Well, I went on a little mission to ask again - more reliable people who are close to Musetti but owed us a favor or two. It turns out the rumors weren't really rumors at all." He wouldn't make an accusation without proof, and if there is proof, then Musetti is a dead man.

"Musetti is involved in human trafficking. Lorenzo, are you sure? Because this is a heavy accusation. This is big. This changes everything. If I take this to my associates, it can't be a rumor."

"Look, Dante, I don't have physical proof. I don't have photos or witnesses - I have the word of some people who I do trust, though." He shrugs, but his leg is bouncing beneath the table. He is uncomfortable.

I know why.

Because if he's right - then my sister might have been taken - and sold off to some fucked up pig anywhere in the entire world. Those auctions are online, and they are open to any scumbag with money -- the worst of humanity. They are another type of fucked-up. I can't pretend I have not seen it, the pretty women at parties. The 'sex slaves' that they drag around with pride whenthey should have their cocks cut off and fed to them. The reality of this - it's terrifying.

I would have preferred it if she ran away and just never wanted to see me again. Anything else.

I take a deep breath, processing the information separating my emotions from the rational reactions I need to handle this.

But I can't. Not right now.

I need time.