"Have you ever been to Russo River Casino - I mean, before you met me?"
I bite my lower lip, trying to remember all the times I went there. It didn't happen too often because my father hated me going to a rival's casino.
"The last time I was there was for a charity gala, a masquerade ball."
I realize what I have said only after the words have fallen from my mouth and I slam my lips shut.
I stare at him, wide-eyed, as he stares back at me. His body is rigid, tense, and frozen. His hand is gripping the edge of the table so tightly I can see his knuckles turning white.
"The masked ball." He says. "Around three years ago."
I nod, knowing what he is thinking because I have been thinking about it since I first saw him.
I open my mouth to say the words, but he says them first.
"It's you." He whispers in shock. "Little fox."
I nod. "It was me. I just - I wasn't sure if it was you - I thought - maybe - I just - I didn't want to say anything in case."
I am mumbling, tripping over my own words. Half laughing, half stammering, I know I sound like an idiot.
Dante laughs. "You do not understand how much I have thought about you over the years - and searched for you. Every time I went out, I was looking for you. Your hair is different. But you are the same. Just as beautiful, just as graceful and charismatic. I thought it could be you - but I wasn't sure. I didn't know how to be sure."
He is also speaking fast and tripping over his words. We both start laughing and he gets up, sliding into the long seat next to mine.
He wraps his arm around me and pulls me close.
"Frankie, I can't believe I had you right here with me all this time. I should have known the second I saw you because of howyou made me feel -- that same intensity - I've never forgotten that night."
He presses his lips against mine and we kiss like we are kissing for the first time. There is a renewed and deepened sense of intimacy. A connection that was forged three years ago - that has been growing since we met again - and has now solidified into something else. Something special that is making my heart beat so fast I'm dizzy in his arms.
He is holding me tighter than before, his arms wrapped around me. I belong to him.
In an instant, he lifts me off the chair and he is carrying me away from the dining area to the bedroom.
He carries me inside and closes the door with his foot.
"I spent over three long years missing you, Frankie. You changed me that night. I couldn't let you go. I never moved on."
"I have spent three years missing you too, Dante. I regretted not finding out your name before I left, but it was too late. Then I had to leave—I had to—" I wanted to find him then, but it wasn't safe to stay and allow my father close enough to my son.
I can't tell him.
I can't tell him I had his baby.
I take a slow breath, trying to compose myself. This is crazy. This is happening too fast. I wasn't expecting an answer about this tonight - and now that I have one. I'm being washed away in a tide so strong I am struggling to stay afloat.
Dante's hands roam my body, and my skin tingles beneath his touch. Being with him is a thrilling mix of passion and fear. It's dangerously sexy.
The soft tender side of him disappears when he is set alight with desire. I see the dangerous glint in his eyes and the possessive streak takes over, and it turns me on. Lust and desire spark a dangerous flame between us.
He skims his fingers up my thighs, pushing my dress over my hips. I yank it over my head, toss it onto the floor, and step backward towards the bed, pulling him by his shirt so he is forced to follow me.
When I get close to the bed, I turn him around so that his back is facing the bed. Then I undress him, desperate to feel him inside me.
He groans as I pull his pants down and wrap my hand around his cock.
I want to give him something special. I want to take control before he gets carried away this time.