It wasn't only the sex, but also her infectious laugh and her mischievous, playful attitude -- the way she spoke about life and how her smile lit up her entire face.
I need more of her. I want all of her.
After lying in bed for an hour, staring at the ceiling, unable to get her out of my mind - I pick up my phone and text her.
Me: Are you home safe? Lunch tomorrow? I will pick you up.
This wayI can find out where she lives - and see her again.
Frankie: I'm home safe. Thank you for an amazing night. I can have lunch with you tomorrow. I'll meet you in the main lobby of Russo River Casino at twelve.
So,she is not allowing me to pick her up or see where she lives. Not yet. I will find out, eventually.
I'll be ready and waiting at the entrance tomorrow before she gets inside - again - I really don't want anyone giving away who I am.
I'll take her somewhere outside the casino for lunch.
Iwake up with a massive smile on my face. Last night was incredible.
Rolling over in bed I stretch my arms above my head, yawning, just as Damion runs into my room, slamming his little body onto my bed.
"Soft biscuit." He shouts, jumping onto me, and squashing the air out of my lungs. I wrap my arms around him and smother his little face in kisses. "You want a biscuit?" I ask. "With honey and or gravy?"
"Yes." He squeals, wiggling to get away from my hug.
"Yes - what, Damion?" I say.
"Yes, please, Mommy." He grins, sheepish, knowing he always has to remember his manners.
He's still so young, but he is so aware of other people and shows high amounts of empathy. He is a soft-hearted, old soul, and that is another reason I want to keep him safe from the world. He is too kind, and over time - I will teach him to set firm boundaries if he wants to survive this place.
For now - I will teach him manners. We all start somewhere.
He runs from my room, shouting please again while he laughs.
"I'm coming." I chuckle, throwing the blankets off and following him to the kitchen.
Damion insists on helping me when I make biscuits - but of course, that creates a nightmare of a mess and this morning I am not in the mood to clean. So instead of letting him help me with the actual batter - I break an egg into a bowl and hand it to him to mix.
He sits on the play mat on the kitchen floor and stabs at the yolk until it breaks then all of his focus goes into mixing while I make the batter.
I peek at the oven as the biscuits turn a golden brown.
I can't stop thinking about Dan.
The way he touched me, the way he kissed me. And how he filled my pussy. There was something so familiar about it. His entire demeanor reminds me of someone very specific, at first I pushed the thought aside, but there are so many small things about him. I might be right.
He told me he often stays at the Russo River Casino - and he is familiar. Those blue yes.
I shake my head.
The intensity of the nagging sensation is suffocating and unrelenting.
I think he might be the man from that night. The Shadow.
I think he might be Damion's father.