Nathan Lux.
The son of the man who bought my sister.
When was this photo taken?
Why is she leaning into him like that?
What the fuck is going on?
Who sent this to me?
Where is she?
Does this mean she is still alive?
I can't stop my head from spinning as the questions overwhelm me.
What does this mean?
"Dante," Frankie shouts my name as she runs into the kitchen, kneeling next to me. Her face is ashen with worry.
"What happened? Are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?" she asks, panicked, finding me on the kitchen floor.
I can't find my words or my voice, so I hand her the photo.
She has seen photos of my sister, so she knows who she is looking at - but it doesn't make sense to her either.
"Dante - where is this from?"
"A courier." I stammer. "A courier delivered it this morning."
"She looks older in this photo," Frankie says, examining the image.
She flips it over and stares at the back. "There is a number written on the back of the photo. Do you recognize it?" She holds it up in front of me so that I can see the messy scrawled handwritten phone number.
"I don't - but…" I take the photo from her again and stare at the number.
Will they have answers for me?
Frankie stands up and offers her hand to me. I take it and climb to my feet. My head is still spinning, and anxiety is flooding my body.
I put the photo face down on the kitchen table, unable to process whatever is happening right now.
"Are you going to call the number?" she asks, looking at me with knotted brows and deep concern.
"I just need a moment." I nod.
Frankie leaves me leaning against the counter and moves towards the coffee machine. She reaches up and grabs two mugs, taking her time she makes coffee while I watch her and think.
I try to piece things together to figure out what might have happened, but nothing makes sense. None of this makes sense.
I know I have to call the number, but I am terrified. I am scared because the photograph has given me hope that just maybe - Daniela is still alive. Just maybe - she really looks as happy and healthy as she seems to be in the photo.
Frankie hands me the hot mug of coffee and stands next to me without saying a word. She slips her arm around me and leans into me.
I wrap my arm around her and hold her close, finding comfort in her embrace and her understanding. She knows when I need a quiet moment, but she knows I still want her near me.
We sip our coffee. I am deep in thought and filled with fear while flooded with hope.