Our family is growing, and I am so excited about it.
Frankie stands up and walks over to the sink to brush her teeth.
"Isn't it weird though that one minute I'm puking my lungs out and the next I'm starving and craving eggs and fried tomatoes?"
"I can't even pretend to understand what your body is going through, little fox. But if you are craving eggs and fried tomatoes, then I can make sure it is ready for you when you get downstairs."
I nuzzle my face against her neck and trace kisses over her skin.
"I think I want to have a quick shower." She says, pulling her shirt off. My eyes trace over her beautiful body.
"Take your time. I will sort out the other little monster. I think I heard him getting up fifteen minutes ago. He is probably already wreaking havoc somewhere with no supervision."
She laughs and I brush my hand across her cheek. "You are glowing. You are so beautiful." I say, then turn to walk out of the bathroom.
I walk through to the living room where I find Damion building a pillow fort with the blankets that he has dragged from his bedroom.
"Do you need help, little guy?" I ask, peeking beneath a very fluffy blue blanket.
"No, I no need help." He reassures me, his back to me and his butt pointed in the air as he tries to adjust the pillows to keep the back area from sagging.
"Are you sure?" I ask again.
"I no need help. I build a house for him."
He has been over-the-moon excited since we told him he was going to have a baby brother or sister. He has decided it's a baby boy and every day since we told him, which was only a week ago, he has asked if the baby is here yet.
I don't actually know who is more excited - me or him.
"When it's time to design the little baby's room I think you can help me. You are fantastic at this." I say, admiring the blanket fort even though everything looks as though it is about to topple over any second now.
"Yes," Damion says, but he isn't listening to me. He is so focused on his task he isn't taking his eyes off it.
"I'm going to make breakfast. I'll bring you some cereal." I say, walking towards the kitchen.
On the way to the kitchen, I hear a knock on the front door. One of my security guards is standing on the other side of the glass.
I pull open the door. "Frank, what's happening? Is everything ok?"
"Yes, sir. A courier delivered this for you this morning. We scanned it. It looks safe."
"Thanks," I say, staring down at the white, unmarked envelope he has given me.
Frank walks away, back to his post by the gates and I walk towards the kitchen, wondering what this is all about.
I flick the coffee machine on and lean against the kitchen counter as I pull the envelope open. It tears open and I reach my fingers inside to remove a photograph.
My heart stops dead in my chest. Frozen in a painful moment of shock.
Of all the things that I could have guessed might have been in there - a photograph of my sister was not one of them.
I gasp, dragging air into my lungs as I try to breathe again. My head is spinning as I sink to the kitchen floor.
The photo is still clasped in my hands.
She looks beautiful. As beautiful as I remember her, but she is older.
She is standing next to a man I recognize and my rage towards him is intense.