“That was lightning fast,” Walker called from the shore above her.

“Thank you!”

Paul swam up to her, popped out of the water, and wrapped his hands around her waist, lifting her into the air. He was visibly out of breath.

“Are you going to toss me again, you cheater?” She rested her palms on his warm, firm shoulders and looked down into his brown eyes. She’d never felt sensations like this with anyone but him.

He chuckled and said between breaths, “Forgive me. I had to get some advantage.”

“And it worked so well.”

He spun a circle. “Hail the conquering hero. Our swimming champion. Miss Shay Cannon.”

She lifted her hands up and he lifted her higher. Walker cheered.

Paul slowly lowered her until she was in the water up to her waist. He didn’t let her go but held her close to his chest. Did he realize what he was doing to her? How could he claim he saw her as a little sister and touch and tease with her like this?

“You are incredible,” he said. “I can’t believe how fast you are.”

“Ah, thank you.” She rested her hands on his well-built shoulders and a thrill traced through her. “You can glaze your girl all you want.”

“Glaze you?” His eyebrows lifted and his eyes smoldered like the richest fudge. What did he think glazing meant?

“Glaze me. Brag me up unnecessarily,” she clarified.

“Oh.” He gave a chagrined grin and released her waist. Dang. She was still holding onto his incredible shoulders. She forced herself to let go.

“I thought you meant …” He licked his lips and then turned away. “Can we swim some more? You can help me with my technique and I need a good workout. I didn’t lift today.”

She wondered what he thought ‘glazing’ was but nodded her agreement. “We’d better get you a workout in.” She pushed at his muscular arm. “Growing soft, no cap.”

He laughed and dove into the water. Shay followed him. She had no problem swimming or instructing or anything that happened in the water and with Paul. The incidental and deliberate touches that occurred made the bright late-summer afternoon even brighter.

But she still wanted to know … what did he think ‘glaze’ meant?



Shay and Paulate a delicious dinner that Easton delivered, but luckily the cowboy had a ‘commitment’ in town and couldn’t stay. He flirted with Shay, but she could tell she disappointed him when she toned it down from earlier today. She felt close to Paul after an afternoon spent in the lake together, teasing and working on his stroke and swimming together. She didn’t want to push him away or make him jealous. They chatted through dinner about his time in the Air Force and the transition to Aiden Porter’s operation.

As they cleaned up, the conversation turned to their families. She felt badly that her brother still loathed Paul. Would that be a wedge between them? She should’ve laughed at that. There was no ‘them’. They both tiptoed around the subject of Darian.

After dinner and cleanup, they texted Walker to see if they could get out on a walk. One of the ranch hands knocked on the door about ten minutes later. Hunter introduced himself and said he was there to follow them on an evening walk.

The weather was gorgeous. They chatted as they walked, and she tried to eliminate the slang. Hunter stayed about thirty feet behind them.

Shay felt comfortable with Paul and had hardly thought about her dangerous situation and the impending trial next week. She did remember to pray for Agents Turner and Meacham, hoping they were alive and safe somewhere.

The scenery was gorgeous—the thick pine trees, undergrowth, towering mountains, and blue sky. They walked along the east side of the property close to the massive mountains.

“Why do you sometimes not use the teenage lingo?” Paul asked at a break in the conversation.

She shrugged. “I don’t want you thinking I’m younger than I am because of my silly vocabulary.”

“No, I don’t.” He brushed at his hair. “I mean, I enjoy the jargon. It makes me laugh. It’s especially funny coming from such an accomplished and impressive woman like you.”

“Thank you. That means a lot.”