“Meeting you slaps,” Easton returned. “No cap, it isfire.”

Shay’s playful grin made her look even younger than she was, and Paul’s stomach rolled. He’d been afraid these two would hit it off.

“I have to admit you have rizz, bruh.”

“I’m oozing with rizz.” Easton eased in closer to her and Paul was helpless to do anything but watch. “Since I was dragged out of bed at two a.m. to get your cabin ready for you, I’ve been thinking …”

“Thank you for doing that,” Shay said sincerely, her teal eyes beguiling. “Getting the cabin ready, not the thinking.” She winked, and Easton grinned.

“I wasn’t salty at all, especially when I heard this morning I was going to meet one of swimming’s top athletes.”

“Ah, thank you. Are you an athlete as well?” Her gaze traveled over his well-built body, his biceps and triceps on display as he held the cowboy hat with both hands, probably knowing it helped pop the muscles.

“I am, ma’am. I try to share humbly, but I’m one of the top bull riders in the world.”

Paul held in a guffaw. Easton was one of the top bull riders but hadn’t known humble a day in his life.

“Back up the bus,” she cried out. “I love bull riders. You are bussin’, bussin’!” Shay did some cute little dance to emphasize the odd words.

“Thanks for lunch,” Paul interrupted. “Do you have the schedule for when we can get outside without running into your other protection detail, or do you want to just text it to me?”

They both looked around as if they’d forgotten he was standing there.

“Oh … Sorry, Paul. I got distracted.” Easton winked at Shay. She smiled back at him. Paul’s neck was tight and hot. “We’ve never had to do a schedule before. We usually only have one protection detail at a time. Papa thought it would be easiest to just have you text what you want to do and we’ll make sure it’s clear and one of us is available to come along and help you keep aneye out. I’m sure Shay would prefer me to Clint, Walker, my papa, or any of the ranch hands.” He glanced at Shay, obviously hoping she’d confirm.

“That’ll work, thank you,” Paul said before Shay could respond. He wondered how he could request anyone besides Easton. “Shay would like to swim in the lake after we eat lunch. Can we make that work?”

“For sure. I’ve got an appointment to work with my trainer and the bulls this afternoon. Sorry I can’t come.”

“Not a problem,” Paul reassured him, relief whooshing through him.

“That is going to make me salty,” Shay said. “I won’t be able to curve and subtly reject you.”

Easton chuckled and stepped right up to Shay. Paul was tempted to throw something at the bull-rider’s smug smile. She’d just said ‘subtly reject’ him. That was the only good news at the moment. When would she do that?

“You would never give me the curve,” Easton said. “Would you now?”

Shay shrugged, obviously having fun flirting with Easton. “We’ll have to see, won’t we now?”

Easton tilted his chin up to her. “Maybe I’ll have to flex for you and have you come watch me ride the bulls.”

“I’d love to see that.”

“We’ll plan on it.” Easton grinned and walked around her to the door. “I’ll leave you low-key thinking about me. See you soon, beauty.”

“Bye, bruh,” she said.

“Thanks, Paul. I’ll send Walker over in about half an hour.”

“Thank you.” Paul followed him to the door, typing in the code to disarm the alarm as Easton opened it.

Easton stepped onto the porch, put his hat on, and lowered his voice. “Clint says there’s something between you two. Is that true?”

Paul grimaced. What to say? There shouldn’t be something between him and Shay, but he felt there was. Yet the way she’d just flirted with Easton, maybe Paul had no chance and it was a moot point. “We grew up together. Her brother was my best friend.”

He chanced a glance back into the kitchen area. Shay was uncovering the lunch dishes and didn’t seem to be listening. But who knew what she could hear?

“If you’re … together.” Easton lifted his hands. “I apologize for flirting. Shay Cannon. Incredible lady and athlete. Even more beautiful in person, and I had no idea she was so funny.”