Was Autumn beautiful? He hadn’t said that. How could she ask?

She should’ve fallen into an exhausted sleep. Instead, she lay there, listening to Paul’s even breaths and wishing there was no Autumn.



Paul rolledoff his makeshift bed, stifling a groan. He had slept in much worse situations, but he still felt every day of his thirty-five years and old injuries not sleeping in a real bed.

He stood and stretched, looking at the bed. Shay was curled on her side, her eyes closed, her breathing rhythmic. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Last night had been torture keeping his distance from her. When his lips had brushed her temple, her cheek, her jawline, and then she turned and their lips had brushed, he’d known he had to stay in control. It had never been so difficult. All he’d wanted was to cradle her close and drink in her warm, alluring lips.

He eased to the open door and hurried out. It had been hard enough to fall asleep last night, especially when her breathing hadn’t evened out and he’d suspected she was awake. Did she know how tempting she was? How could he keep up the ‘little sister’ farce?

He checked his phone for messages as he hurried to thespare bedroom shower. It was after ten. He hadn’t slept that late in a long time, but it was still only six hours of troubled sleep.

Aiden checked in; no updates. Clint texted that Easton would bring lunch over and give them a schedule of when they could go explore and not risk running into anyone. That would be nice. Stuck in a cabin for five days, even a beautiful spot with fabulous views, would be rough. Especially if he had to keep reminding himself why Shay was off limits. She was the first woman he’d been drawn to like this. Why did she have to be Darian’s sister?

He climbed in the shower, debating what they’d do with themselves. He’d had assignments where he had to sit and monitor, but they weren’t his favorites. Now he was stuck in a cabin with the most appealing woman he knew, and he couldn’t act on his yearning for her. What a nightmare.

He dressed and walked back out into the loft. How long would Shay sleep? She deserved a good, long sleep after all she’d been through. He peeked through the open master bedroom door; she hadn’t moved.

He paced, hopefully quietly, and waited and waited. Should he eat something light or just wait for lunch at this point? He definitely should stop staring into the master bedroom with every rotation and letting his gaze feast on Shay’s face relaxed in sleep.

His phone rang. He’d turned the ringer on last night so it would wake him this morning if anything urgent came up.

Shay’s eyes flew open and she sat up, staring out the open door at him. He silenced the ringer.

“Good morning,” he said, trying to keep his voice even and not study her firm and tan shoulders. “Sorry I woke you.”

“It’s chill. I’m chill.”

He smiled. He didn’t feel ‘chill’. He felt warm all over.

“Who’s calling you?”

“Oh. It’s …” He pulled out his phone and smiled. “Autumn. She’ll need something. Do you want to sleep some more or shower?” He glanced at his phone. “It’s eleven-fifteen and Clint’s brother Easton is bringing lunch over at noon. I thought we’d just wait and eat lunch, but I’m sure Mama Millie has plenty of food for us in the kitchen if you’re hungry.”

She studied him. “Does Autumn call often?”

“Yes.” That was an odd question to his diatribe. “We’ve worked together on a lot of ops.”


“Come down whenever you’re ready. If you want to rest some more or shower, there’s plenty of time. I’m not sure what we’ll do today.” He knew the Colevilles had a gym and sparring ring at the back of the main barn. Maybe they could schedule a workout with Easton when he brought food.

Why hadn’t he thought to request they only interact with Walker? Easton’s twin was much less flirtatious and charming. Yet Walker with his slow cowboy grin and thoughtful nature … he was probably more than enticing to women. Paul didn’t want either of the handsome Coleville twins around Shay. Clint was different. He may be a ‘hot Sheriff’ or ‘hot cowboy’, but he was obviously closed off, an impenetrable wall.

Shay gave him a thin smile. “Yeah, being in protective custody can get stale.”

“I bet.” He didn’t tell her that guarding someone in protective custody could be the same. It was difficult to stay alert when nothing happened. He wondered if that was what had happened with her FBI agents. They’d relaxed and then they’d been surprised and overpowered. “See you soon.”

He walked out of the room and headed down the stairs, pressing the call back button.

“There’s my favorite and most handsome pilot. Do you miss me?”

He chuckled. “I always miss you, Autumn.” He walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was stocked with fresh fruit, veggies, meat, eggs, milk, and juices. He pulled out a carton of apple juice. “Did you need something or just wanted to tease me?”

“I always love teasing you, my hot pilot. But no, I want to talk to Shay Cannon.”