Paul could imagine Mama getting everyone out of bed when she heard they were coming and bossing Easton and Walkeraround as they put on fresh sheets, cleaned the cabin, made sure there were toiletries and clothes, and stocked the fridge. He selfishly didn’t want Shay to meet Easton. She’d be enthralled with the charming bull rider and they’d get along well, both being elite athletes and understanding each other’s teenage lingo
He lowered her onto the bed, trying not to think about how intimate it felt. Her long blonde hair splayed across the pillow and her eyes fluttered open as she settled in.
Paul had to look away from the allure of those teal eyes. He lifted the sheet and comforter, pulled it over her legs and upper body, and gently tucked her in. Her breath was coming in fast pants like his. His gaze was drawn back to hers and it held fast. His hands framed her upper body, pressing into the mattress.
Shay didn’t move and neither did he for several long seconds. She moistened her lips, and he knew he had kiss her or get out of here.
Straightening quickly, he murmured, “Goodnight.”
“Please.” Shay didn’t move but her eyes tugged him in. “Don’t leave me.”
Paul swallowed and eased back a step when every part of him was screaming to get closer to her. “Shay.” He kept his voice soft. “I need to go talk to Clint about the security system. I won’t be far.”
“You’ll come back and stay with me?”
Stay with her? Was that wrong? He’d never spent the night with a woman. Shay wasn’t propositioning him. She needed comfort. Was he so attracted to her he couldn’t stay smart about it?
He focused on her beautiful face. Shay had been through more tonight than most people could tolerate in a lifetime. She’dbeen strong and brave, and she wanted him to stay close. That wasn’t wrong.
“I’ll make a bed on the floor,” he offered.
“I don’t want you crashing on the floor.” She was wide awake now and staring at him so beseechingly he wanted to agree to anything she needed.
“Shay.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “Either I sleep on the floor or I sleep across the hall.”
She peered up at him. “Why?”
Great. Did he have to explain this? Was she too innocent to understand, or maybe she wasn’t innocent at all and that was why … His stomach turned over.
“Those are the options,” he said. “Which would you prefer?”
“Go talk to Clint and we’ll figure it out,” she said.
“Okay.” Paul had no idea what they would figure out. Hopefully he could convince her she was safe and he could sleep in the spare bedroom. The thought of sleeping in the same room as her, even if he was on the floor… His body temperature flared and he hurried out the door and down the stairs to speak with Clint. This whole situation was getting out of control.
Little sister. Little sister.
The reminder didn’t help. Paul had sisters. Shay was nothing like a sister.
Shay waiteduntil Paul’s footsteps retreated and she heard male voices conversing downstairs. Then she slipped out of bed, used the bathroom, and praise someone wonderful there was a toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup wipes, and night cream on the bathroom counter, along with some makeup and other products for daytime. She used all the nighttime supplies and hurried back out into the master bedroom.
She would make a bed on the floor and be asleep before Paul came back up. Then he would have to sleep in here and stay close to her. She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but she knew he was a deeply honorable man and if he imagined she was scared, he would stay.
Shewasscared. When all the crazy imploded tonight, she’d simply reacted. Now it was hitting her—she’d been kidnapped, mauled, and her FBI buddies were missing, most likely dead. She was sick for Agent Turner’s wife and daughter. If not for Paul, she’d be dead too. She tried not to think about that as herbody shuddered, her palms grew sweaty, and her pulse sped up.
She searched the master closet, looking for blankets and pillows to distract herself. She found clothing and shoes in a few different sizes. One of the tennis shoes was her size. How had somebody gotten these here so quickly? She opened a drawer and pulled out a soft T-shirt and shorts pajama combo. Pulling off the dress she’d borrowed from Aiden Porter’s airplane, she dropped it into the hamper and slid into the pajamas. Ah, they were fire. Comf.
She found a thick blanket on the shelf. Grabbing it, she rushed back out into the bedroom, right as Paul’s tall frame cleared the doorway. He paused. She clutched the blanket to her chest, captured by the warmth in his brown gaze.
“I hoped you’d be asleep,” he said, his eyes trailing over her, lingering on her bare legs for half a beat before snapping back to meet her eyes.
“Why? So you could ditch your girl and snooze in another room?” She arched her brows.
“My girl?” His gaze intensified.