Then something changed in her eyes, and he realized she was thinking about those men tonight—seeking after her, groping her, threatening her.

“You all right?” he asked softly, wondering how close she was to breaking down.

She lifted her hands and looked away.

He wanted to gather her close, but his phone rang. “Aiden,” he said. “I need to take this.”

“I’ll be resting.” She stood and walked out of the cockpit and into the cabin of the plane without looking back.

Paul watched her go, blowing out a breath. He swiped the phone on. “Hey.”

“This is intense, Paul. Her FBI agents are missing and the man you had tied up on the plane, a Jonah Bueller, is blustering with the police, claiming you attacked and killed his men.”

“That’ll work itself out.” Paul was more concerned about where her FBI agents were. “I’m sure those thugs all have rap sheets longer than my arm.”

“Most likely.”

“What did the Colevilles say?”

“They’re happy to take you both and keep quiet about it?—”

“Wait. Take us both?” Paul glanced over his shoulder. Shay was sitting in a chair, staring at him. The lights were dim in the galley; he couldn’t get a bead on her emotional state. Was she close to tears? Would she want him to stay with her? He wanted to support her but was afraid how he’d react. She felt like a thrilling visit home for him. That kiss… Not a good idea to want to repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.

“Yes, sir. You’re a hot topic with authorities right now, my friend. I’m sticking with my story that you have Shay Cannon in your protection and neither of you will surface and answer any questions until you walk her into that trial at the Cook County Courthouse next Tuesday, promptly at eight a.m., to meet with the lawyers before the trial starts at ten.”

He blew out a breath. “You’re telling me if I do surface, I’ll be stuck answering questions from now until past Tuesday.”

“That’s my boy. Always quick.”

Paul laughed. There was no humor in it.

“You shot three men tonight, an FBI safehouse was breached,a well-known athlete in protective custody was kidnapped, and two FBI agents are missing. That raises some questions.”

“I was protecting an innocent woman that they had kidnapped, were threatening to kill, and assaulting. What would you have done?”

“I’m on your team, friend. I’m just saying let this die down and let the truth surface. Five days at the Colevilles’ ranch is the perfect place for you. Feel bad for me. I have to deal with nonstop questioning from authorities and the media, and even worse … subpar pilots for a week.”

Paul chuckled.

“Oh, and the Colevilles are ‘hosting’ someone in their main house. You and Shay will stay in Miles’s cabin. They’ll make certain it’s stocked with food and bring you any supplies you need.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I’ll be in touch.”

Paul hung up and glanced back at Shay. Her eyes were closed. What did that mean? Avoiding him?

They would be stuck in a cabin for five days. Just the two of them. That sounded cozy, exciting, unnerving … Could he keep his hands to himself and forget about that kiss?

He didn’t have a choice. She was in danger and very off limits. He’d repeat that every hour and pray it stuck in his brain.



Shay pretendedshe was asleep and mulled over what she’d heard Paul saying and what had happened tonight. There was too much to process. It sounded like Paul was in hot water with the authorities for rescuing her and killing those men. If he hadn’t, they’d both be dead, or at least she would be. She wanted to go and proclaim his heroism, but it would only cause more of a mess if she surfaced.

Would she and Paul be alone wherever they were going? He was so enthralling she didn’t quite know how to act around him. Thinking about the trouble with him and her brother made her uneasy. Everyone in town knew Carrie had kissed Paul all those years ago, not the other way around. Everyone except Darian. Darian knew it as well; he simply wouldn’t admit to it.