“I love you,” she screamed, kissing him and making the crowd roar louder.

“I love you,” he called to be heard over the cheers. “I’m crazy proud of you.”

“Bussin’. Bussin’, right?” She grinned.

He laughed and then released her so she could hug her mom and dad and …

“Darian!” she screamed, hugging him tight. “Thank you for coming. I can always hear your yells above the crowd.”

“I’m so proud, sis,” Darian yelled to be heard now. “I had to be here for you.”

“Thank you.”

She grabbed Paul again and pulled him into a family hug. They all hugged and bounced around. Paul smiled at Darian and he actually smiled back.

The crowds started to settle a bit; another race was lining up.

Shay turned into him and kissed him again. “Thank you for being here,” she said into his ear.

“I wouldn’t miss it.” They hugged and he felt she’d want to know. “Darian apologized.”

She hugged him tighter. “That slaps!” After a few beats, she tugged back. “I’d better go get ready for the relay.”

Paul knew he should let her go. He should wait until tonight. That was the plan. A fancy dinner at the rooftop restaurant Artemis Grill.

Instead, he pulled out the two-karat princess-cut diamond and dropped to one knee, holding onto one of her hands.

Shay cried out in surprise and put her hand to her mouth.

Darian and her parents started cheering before he could even propose.

The camera must’ve noticed because the big screens zeroed in on them and the crowd started oohing and cheering again.

“Shay,” Paul said loudly to be heard over the din. “I love you. Will you be my fire forever?”

“Yes!” she screamed.

He slid the ring on and stood, lifting her off her feet and kissing her.

When they pulled back to breathe, she met his eyes, grinning, and said, “Nowthatis fire.”