He could admit to himself that he loved her. And she might hate him and ask him to stay away after what he had admitted last night. Maybe he should be the bigger person and stay away. As soon as that thought arose, he didn’t know how to push it away. Did he love Shay enough to not rip apart her family? He pushed a fist at his mouth. He’d thought the agony of Carrie’s death and deaths of buddies in the military had been rough. Pushing Shay away, if she was willing to give them a chance after what he’d revealed, might kill him.
Her door opened. Shay was in a simple white sundress. She looked angelic with her golden-brown hair and her teal-colored eyes. What was in those eyes? Did she hate him?
She gave a whimper and then she ran at him, flinging herself against his chest. Paul easily caught her and held her fast. She cuddled into him, wrapping her arms tight around his back and holding on like he was a lifeline.
Paul simply held her for a few beats, then kissed her temple and whispered, “Shay? Are you all right?”
“No,” she cried out. She looked up at him, her beautiful eyes bright with unshed tears. “This low-key bites.”
He almost smiled at her lingo, but it did bite. Holding her close just reaffirmed how much he loved her, craved her, wanted her to be the most important person in his life, but how would they ever be together with this standing between them?
“It does bite.” He pulled her in tight again and thankfully she didn’t resist. With her in his arms, he felt like everything could work out. His mouth rested against her silky hair. He fought himself to stay strong and not trail kisses to her lips and forget about everything for a long time.
She hugged him fiercely and then looked up at him. It was almost a glare. It was so like Shay to express herself and be open with him.
“I’m confused and sad and …” She pulled away from him. “We need to get to the trial. Maybe after I get through that nightmare, I can deal with this one.”
Paul’s stomach flipped over. He didn’t blame her for needing more time or needing to focus on being the star witness for a huge criminal trial in a few hours. Would she walk away from him after the trial was over?
He wouldn’t force her to forgive him or give him a chance. He didn’t know that he’d fully forgiven himself. He nodded. “Okay. Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” She gave a forced smile and walked a wide arc around him and down the stairs. Paul let her go. He was sick. He’d finally admitted to something he’d hidden for years. Shouldn’t the truth set him free? Instead, he felt shackled to his past mistakes and terrified they would ruin his future with Shay.
Shay said goodbye to Easton,Walker, Papa, and Mama. Walker drove them to the airport. Things were so tense between her and Paul that nobody said much.
She sat in the back of the plane, wishing she could be with Paul in the cockpit, but she couldn’t handle the emotions strung tight between them.
She stewed about everything Paul had told her, like she had most of the night, all the worry and stress over her brother Darian rising again. If Paul had told Darian the full truth eleven years ago, would her brother be in a different place? Sadly, she didn’t think so. Unless Carrie’s death could have been prevented, she imagined Darian would just be more bitter. Darian had always been there for her. He’d even helped pay for her training after college until she’d won enough races and grown a following on social media to attract sponsorships. How could she not support her brother now?
She grew nervous about the trial as the two-hour flightended. She’d been both waiting for and dreading this day for two months. If only Paul could hold her hand while she testified. That would never happen, and it was selfish of her to want him by her side when she didn’t know where she stood with him.
Aiden Porter and Autumn Cardon were waiting for them in Aiden’s hangar at an executive airport south of Denver when Paul taxied the luxurious jet into the building. That made her stomach flip. Aiden Porter. He was legendary, and she realized that she’d never asked Paul if he and Autumn had any kind of relationship. Now the nerves about the trial and about the mess with Darian and Paul coming to a head were multiplied by meeting Aiden and Autumn.
She stood and stretched, waiting for Paul. He walked out of the cockpit and smiled at her, but his dark eyes reflected the anguish between them.
“Are you ready for this?” he asked. He pressed the button to open the plane door.
“The trial? No.”
“I meant meeting Autumn.”
“Here I am, my handsome pilot,” a female voice called.
Shay turned to see the stunning brunette sashay up the plane steps and straight up to Shay. Autumn was a couple inches shorter than Shay but built just as strong. She had a confidence about her that Shay could imagine she could back up with being a top-level bodyguard. Her face was beautiful and had an innocent look about it, but the sparkle and tease in her unique golden eyes made Shay realize her guileless and angelic face was only used to lure criminals in.
Autumn had a garment bag in her hand. “Ah, we finally getto meet.” Autumn gave her a quick hug. “I love you already.” She arched an eyebrow. “And apparently Paul loves you more?”
“Autumn,” Paul muttered, brushing his hand through his hair.
“What’s this?” Aiden Porter said, standing just inside the plane. “Someone has cut the mighty oak off at the knees?”
Paul didn’t respond and Shay couldn’t look at him. Was he as miserable as her or annoyed that she couldn’t just say all was well and move past the past? She had to deal with this nightmarish trial first. Then hopefully Paul would still be around and they could figure things out together, and with Darian.
Aiden crossed to them with his hand extended. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Cannon. I’m Aiden Porter.”