Page 97 of Scars Like Wings

“That nickname isnotallowed to stick, Cody! That’s a birthday decree!” I yelled into the cockpit.

“Stop goofing around and go get us ready for departure, please,” Quinn ordered.

Cody emerged from the cockpit with a smile, and he winked at me as he left. I shook my head.

“Wow, he should be really grateful his dick is huge and he knows how to use it. He sucks otherwise,” Maisie said.

“Well, that is what he and Nat are best at, sucking otherwise,” Cole retorted.

Nat threw a bottle at Cole, somehow able to miss Simone. He was able to dodge the first one, but before he could retort about how she had missed, she tossed a small can of soda and hit him on the side of the head just behind Simone. When he cried out in pain with Simone helping to nurse the inevitable bump growing there, Nat sneered. “I hope it leaves a mark, you shit rag.”

“We are truly off to a great start,” Quinn said, ever the exhausted parent of toddlers.

I chuckled, standing up and grabbing her hand to hold. “I’m having a great time actually!”

Quinn smiled at me, her eyes softening and her shoulders relaxing. “That’s all that matters then.”

“The flight is already a hoot, but I hear one of the pilots is pretty hot.”

“Yeah? I hope it isn’t the pain in the ass pilot you’re talking about. Hopefully, it’s the nervous wreck one.”

“You have nothing to be nervous about, babe. You are a freaking pilot, and you are about to whisk us to some farawayland or something—I still have no idea where we’re going. But you have beyond impressed me. This weekend is already phenomenal, pumpkin. Don’t stress about it!”

Quinn took my face in both her hands before resting her forehead against mine. She closed her eyes, and I could feel her breath caress my face softly. “I just want it to be perfect for you.”

I placed my hands over hers. “I think you have very high expectations of what I define as perfect. I promise, spending time with you is perfect enough for me. But I think it’s so cute that you are so worried about me having a good time.”

Quinn smirked. “I’m only like this for you. Don’t tell anyone. I have a reputation to uphold, after all.”

I chuckled. “Your secret is safe with me, starlight.”

Quinn kissed my lips softly, as if to seal it as a promise.

“All right, kiddos and kiddies and theydies in between!” Cody declared as he returned, closing the door behind him. “The banner is away, and we have been cleared for departure!”

“Go and fly this plane for us, starlight. I’ll be here when we land.” I kissed Quinn’s nose before I started to pull back from her to take a seat.

“You know, I have an idea,” Cody said.

“I was wondering why I smelled smoke,” Nat teased.

“Honestly, someone should call Hell and see if it’s frozen over,” Cole joined.

Cody flicked them both off and continued. “What if you let the Birthday Queen sit with you?”

“Wait,” I turned to him. “Are you being serious? Can I do that?”

“Ah, that’s such a great idea!” Simone exclaimed.

“That’s actually very sweet of you,” Maisie said.

“You sure, Cody?” Quinn asked.

“Yeah! Besides, maybe it would turn you into less of a lovesick puppyandmaybe I could join the mile-high club again,but this time with a certain babycakes of mine,” Cody wiggled his eyebrows toward Maisie.

“Oh, there he is,” Nat noted.

“I will stab you with this champagne flute until you die,” Maisie said, sipping from her cocktail while glaring at Cody. Still, I knew that look in her eyes. Oh, they weredefinitelygoing to bang.