Maybe about three or four?
My jaw dropped before I replied:
Excuse me, ma’am. But you look like you are at least seven in these.
I was tall as shit as a kid, okay? ??
I’ll say. Over here being scouted by the WNBA at two. ??
Lmao, I freaking wish. Anyway, any luck there in your research, baby girl?
It’s not going the best it could be.
“Hello? Earth to Byrd!” Simone said.
“I’m so sorry, what?” I looked up from my phone to see her and Maisie looking at me. I felt my cheeks heat up with slight embarrassment.
“You didn’t hear a word we said just now, did you?” Simone asked.
“She was probably too busy giggling about her new girlfriend,” Maisie teased.
“Hey! She isn’t my girlfriend!” My face got even hotter.
“Yeah,yet.” Maisie winked.
I rolled my eyes but smiled. I was glad to see that Maisie was okay enough to joke. “What were you guys talking about?”
“What are we going to do now about the book and the rune?” Simone asked.
“Well, we know that this rune is the reason the book is blank and for whatever happened to Maze earlier. It is probably the reason for why Everett reacts the way he does around the book, too. Maisie, is there another way to get some information about the rune?”
Maisie sipped her coffee as she thought for a moment. “A spell would be thequickestway, but if we could somehow finda similar rune, we could likely find the same information or be able to create a spell to find out who cast the rune.”
Simone nodded. “Cool, cool, cool. So, how do we do that?”
At the same time, Maisie and I shrugged and said “Google it.”
Maisie and I grabbed our coffees to prepare to head into the living room. I shot Quinn a quick follow-up text to what I said earlier:
Actually, we might be changing that. I will talk to you later once I know for sure, babe! ??
Good luck, sweets!
I pocketed my phone and picked up the book. Simone furrowed her brows as she followed us. “Um, excuse me, frans? But how is sifting through human wannabe witches and conspiracy theories about supers going to help us find out anything about this rune?”