Page 57 of Scars Like Wings

We are on the same page with the pizza. I would add meatballs to it. So. Fucking. GOOD! You lost me at ranch. I’m not a huge sauce person. My dad ruined them for me because he hated them so much. It made me do it, too.


I’m so sorry that your dad refused to let you be great and enjoy the best parts of life. ??


LOL! You have no idea. So, what’s your research about? I thought you said you had graduated from school already?


I have! I have a masters, bachelors, and some certifications.

I paused with my fingers hovering over the virtual keyboard, unsure of if I should tell her or not. Would it bring down the mood? Should I lie? No, I could never lie to her. Honesty and communication are key to any relationship from every rom-com book or movie that I have read or seen. Besides, even withholding the truth from her made my stomach hurt with guilt. And I couldn’t get the memory of her worried face andpulsing leg at Chill’s out of my head. I quickly typed up an additional text:


The research is about my scars. Remember how you said that they looked like a tattoo? Well, no one else can see that, so we are trying to figure out why.


Holy shit. I promise you I’m not making it up. It’s kind of crazy because I showed the picture I took to Nat and Cole, and they both see scars on your back instead of ink, too. I feel insane, but I swear I don’t see the scars.

My stomach sank. My fingers were a blur as I typed:


OMG! I’m so sorry you feel crazy about this! I promise it isn’t just you, and you aren’t insane, starlight. Maze saw some magic flowing from my back, so something else is going on. I believe you. It’s because I believe you that I want to get to the bottom of things.


Thank you, but you have no reason to feel bad about this. It isn’t your fault, baby. What happened to your back, if you don’t mind my asking?


You can ask me anything, Queen. Basically, I fell from a tree when I was 13. I always heard I was lucky to have survived it.


Holy fuck. I’m so sorry, Byrd. That is terrible.


Honestly, I’m kind of obsessed with you seeing a tattoo instead of my scars. There’s something very pretty about it.


I actually wish I could see your scars instead. That is more original than any tattoo, and I bet it’s beautiful, just like you are. ??


Okay, THAT is pretty and very romantic.


I’m gay AF, but only for you, baby. ??

Suddenly, Cleo chimed softly near my bed. “The girls are out front with the ‘goyles. Would you like them to be sent up?”