Her eyes met mine before straying to take in our situation. Then her eyes came back to mine. Her slitted eyebrow raised, and her lips turned up into a smirk.
No, not a smirk, actually.
That something that stirred with me seemed to slowly uncoil as the ladybugs grew into butterflies.
“Hi,” Her voice was smokey now and deep. The butterflies doubled in size.
“H-hi,” I replied, my own voice raspy. I cleared my throat, and suddenly remembered I did have some manners. “Uh, I’m Byrd, Byrd Pierce”
“Byrd… That’s a beautiful name.” Her smirk grew to show teeth, and I really tried not to swoon. I liked how my name sounded on those lips, in that voice. I didn’t think my name had ever been so beautiful to me. “I’m Quinn Garcia. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Suddenly, something caught my eye as Quinn’s ringlets continued to sway around us. I wasn’t going to lie. I was grateful for the distraction, considering what was happening under my skirt. “Y-you, uh, have something in your hair.”
“Do I?” Quinn’s eyes never left mine, still penetrating into my soul and making me feel laid bare.
What was breathing again? Did I know how to do it?
“Y-yeah. I’ll just—” I reached up with a shaky hand and took the recorder entangled in her curls. A light scent of citrus wafted down to me.
“A recorder? In my hair?”
“Must have snagged during your fall. The first one, not… this one.” My eyes returned to hers. I knew if I let my eyes stray, they would go to her lips, her body still pressed against my own.
“Oh. Right. I should probably get off…” Quinn allowed the words to trail off.
I raised my eyebrows at her. Then she winked at me. I chuckled, and her eyes lit up at the sound.
Oh, she’s got jokes.
Quinn leaned back from me, and I immediately felt cold blanket me in her place. I put my knees together before shecould catch sight of anything scandalous. But a part of me also wanted to keep the heat there, as if I were keeping a memory locked there.
How many shots had that bartender put in my drink?
Quinn stood and helped me to stand with far more grace and steadiness than I had done with her. I felt another spark when our hands met, and she still held on after I was standing. We stood together like that for a beat, holding each other’s hands and staring into each other’s eyes. It was very rom-com, and I couldn’t believe it was?—
A cymbal crashed to the ground, making me jump at the sudden noise and pull my hands away. We both turned to the mess from her fall.
“Oh, I guess I should probably clean that up,” she said, walking over to set the drums back up like they were before.
I went over to right the bass and its bow. Quinn said, “You don’t have to help. It’smymess.”
“So? You think I’m just going to leave you hanging? It was my music that got you distracted enough to gotimberin the first place, so this is also kindamyfault,” I joked. In all honesty, I was being polite, but I also needed something to do with my hands. I felt energized and needed something to do to expel some of it. Besides, I did feel bad that she fell.
I went to the stage to grab the cello to return it. On my way to the level that housed them, Quinn asked, “That music earlier… It was some of the most beautiful I had ever heard. So sad, but so cheerful. It was just… deep and emotional. Did you write that?”
“Oh, no, I’m not a music writer.” I picked up the tuba to carry it up as I continued. “No, actually, my mother used to play that song growing up. It’s like a family heirloom on my mom’s side. She taught me how to play it. I honestly don’t play much at all these days. I guess I wanted to see if I still could and if I still remembered the song after all these years.”
I looked up from busying myself with the tuba to find Quinn staring at me with those rich eyes and smiling that same smirk while she leaned on the harp she had just corrected. She looked curious and amused. I felt my face heat.
“I’m so sorry! I’m rambling. Uh, do you play the cello? Or any instruments?”
Quinn shrugged. “I have dabbled a bit here and there, off and on. I mainly prefer the drums over the strings. I’m the drummer in the band I have with my cousins.”
Oh, of course she’s afreakingdrummer. Female drummers were notoriously the best and hottest, hands-down. I mean, just look at her arms—I mentally shook the thought out of my head. I shouldn’t bethishorny for a stranger. I had never been in the past. I always found people more attractive after I knew them. This much physical attraction was unreal for me.
“That’s so freaking awesome.” I tried to play it off instead. “Do y’all play gigs or anything?”