“Oh, you would,Cooper.” Nat spat his name out with a venom in her tone.
“What is that—?“ Cooper started.
“You knowexactlywhat it means. You have it out for Byrd for whatever reason formonths. It’s goofy and lame. Dad isn’t coming back, no matter what you do. It’s beyond time to get over it.” Nat downed the rest of her glass.
“Natassa Collier—!” CK reprimanded before getting interrupted by Cooper.
“You are one stupid, angry, drunk bitch.” Cooper tossed his napkin on the table and stormed out of the room.
“Cooper, wait!” CK followed after him. Distantly, a door to the back of the house slammed, making me, Simone, and Maisie jump. Quinn just shook her head.
“Well, I call that another successful Hesse-Collier-Garcia Holiday Dinner,” Cole declared.
“Nice going, runt,” Cody said, sipping his bourbon.
Natassa flipped her brother off. “Oh, go fuck yourself, Cody. He needed the reality check. Besides, Mommy Dearest is out there reversing any bruises to herprecious baby boy’sego.”
“Can we just be a family for one holiday without all of this bickering?” Mama asked, her laugh lines coming out with her exhaustion.
“I have found that you aren’t a family without that,” Simone noted.
“Especially not this one, apparently,” Tess added.
Feeling awkward and having to pee, I cleared my throat, pushing my chair back. “I’ll be right back.”
I didn’t need our mating bond to sense the multitude of emotions coming off of Quinn, everything from embarrassment to annoyance to fear. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and placed a hand on her shoulder. She put hers over my own, and I could feel the tension begin to leave her body. I reassured her with a smile. “I’m just going to the bathroom. I won’t be long.”
“Hurry back, sweets.”
I made my way upstairs, toward the bathroom. The earlier sense of unease returned with a vengeance. The hallways were long and dimly lit, with only the light from downstairs helping me to find my way. As I walked, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. It clawed at me relentlessly, pushing my dragon closer and closer to the edge. It took a few tries at doors to find my way to a bathroom. I closed the door behind me, taking a moment to just compose myself.
Breathe, Bee. Just take a second and breathe.
I did my business and washed my hands. Then I splashed cold water on my face, a trick that I remembered seeing online to help stave off anxiety attacks. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had forgone makeup today just because, but my bare tawny skin was noticeably pale. My eyes were wide as a deer in headlights, my mouth slightly agape. I couldn’t get my hands to stopshaking, even as I gripped the counter. My scale tattoos wouldn’t stop rippling down my arms, casting prisms of color throughout the bathroom walls.
“It’s just nerves or something,” I whispered to my reflection. “Everything is fine. You’re okay. Nothing is wrong. You’re okay.”
Not true. Something is wrong. I can sense it.My dragon barked. I shook my head to try to clear it more before drying my hands and leaving.
Now, which way was it to get back downstairs?
My nerves were so raw and fried that I couldn’t remember what direction I had come from to find the bathroom. There had been so many twists and turns, and Quinn had only given me the tour once. I could hear the faint sounds of conversation downstairs—even though it was full of fits and starts—more toward the right than the left, so I decided to follow my gut. I walked for a ways down the hallway, turning where I thought the sounds were getting louder.
Just when I thought I was at the staircase, I turned to find a door. The sounds of Quinn, her family, and my friends disappeared when I reached it. Where had they gone? Why couldn’t I hear them now?
Had they even been real to begin with?
I stared at the door before me. It looked just like all the other ones, probably leading into a bedroom or bathroom that Quinn hadn’t shown me earlier. It was unassuming. Normal, even.
But there was something about it?—
Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong.My dragon sent alarm bells off in my head, but neither of us knew why or for what. But that feeling… that strange feeling was so strong here, so intense. I felt a pit in my throat and stomach at the same time.
There was something behind this door.
I had to open it.
I had to find out.