I rolled my eyes. “First of all, you are such a dad with your jokes, I swear. But second of all, are we reenacting how we spent our first date technically?”
Quinn smirked and offered her hand. I took it.
As I would take it every time I could.
Quinn took me on a tour of the house with Clarkson trotting close after us. The impressive ranch-style house itself was even grander than Quinn’s house. It was as luxurious inside as it was on the outside with high vaulted ceilings, polished wooden floors, large windows with stunning views of the winter wonderland stretching before us. Quinn pointed out the living room, the spacious farmhouse kitchen, and a dining area with a table more than large enough to fit her entire family, and then some. There was a recreational room in the basement with a movie theater, arcade, expansive bar with plenty of liquor, a VR set-up, and so much more. The upstairs felt like a maze with hallways that went on for ages, leading to closed door after closed door. Each of the countless bedrooms on the second floor had their own personality and look, along with a matching en suite connected to them. I loved hearing Quinn talk so animatedly, but I struggled with the feeling clawing at my gut.
There’s a strange energy here. Something is lurking. Something is wrong. This is bad.My dragon paced, restless. Her energy was making me bristle with goosebumps, my hair standing on end.
Eventually, Quinn showed us to our bedroom, her favorite bedroom in the house and one always claimed by her. It was a very cozy space with a farmhouse vibe to match the kitchen, a King-sized bed, and a breathtaking view out of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The mountains stretched out as far as the eye could see, snow glistening under the late morning sun. I looked out, trying to calm my dragon’s desire to fly over the mountains and not look back.What was going on?
Quinn approached me from behind and wrapped her arms around my waist. She kissed my cheek. “You know, we have had this mating bond for a little under a month, but I can read you like clockwork without it. You have been anxious since wegot here. What’s going through that beautiful head of yours, sweetness?”
I shook my head. “It’s stupid, really.”
“Hey.” Quinn turned me around in her arms to face her. “Nothing about how you feel could ever be stupid. What is it?”
“I just have this feeling...”
Quinn’s eyebrows scrunched with worry. “Is it like the dagger?”
“Not exactly… Well, kind of? It’s not as bad, but it gives me the same trepidation. It’s hard to describe, but there’s something bad in this house.”
“Well, that could be my Aunt CK or my father, depending on the day.”
“I’m being serious, Quinn.”
“I know you are. I promise that I’m the only one with a key, and we have all sorts of wards on this place. Only family and those invited here can set foot on the grounds. You’re safe here. Besides, I would never let anything happen to you.” Quinn leaned down and kissed me. Then again. And again. She smirked against our lips. “I do have something that could take your mind off things, though.”
I giggled as Quinn took my lips again. This time, I melted into her, my worries waning, to dissolve into her and us. Quinn was right, as always. While my feelings were always valid and I would never discredit them, there wasn’t anything that me and Quinn couldn’t face together. I was a dragon-shifter and she was a huntress. Nothing could take us both on. We would take care of each other and figure this out.
The doorbell rang downstairs. Quinn continued kissing me, acting like she didn’t hear anything. The doorbell rang again, and Quinn refused to break the kiss. It wasn’t until whoever was at the door held the button and Clarkson started going berserk that Quinn finally separated with a groan.
“I will never know peace.”
I threw my head back and laughed. “Welcome to the holidays with friends and family. C’mon!”
Simone, Maisie, the triplets, and Nat were the ones ringing the doorbell to let us know they had arrived. Excited to be spending the holidays together, we squealed, greeted, and hugged each other before launching into our regular chatter. After everyone claimed their rooms and Nat got the drinks flowing—because, of course, she did—we decided to go downstairs to the basement to play video games until the rest of the family trickled in. By playing video games, I mean Quinn and I dominated everyone in everything fromMario PartytoOvercooked. We were the dream team.
While Cody and Cole argued with Quinn after a particularly aggressive round ofMario Kart, Maisie and Simone joined either side of me on the couch.
“What is Everett up to without you to keep him amused?” Maisie sipped from the sangria that Nat and Cody had made. It tasted like someone had melted Christmas down and made it into a wine with berries floating on top.
“He and Teddy are on a romantic getaway to a resort in Maldives,” I answered, wiggling my eyebrows.
“Ooooooh, how long have they been together again?” Simone asked.
“Over two years now, I think.”
“I smell a pro-o-o-posal!” Simone sang. “Who planned the trip? Do you know?”
“Everett, I think? But he wouldn’t propose before taking me ring shopping. That man knows nothing about weddings, and he would never rob me of the chance to roast him about it. It would break my heart!” I feigned clutching my heart as if I had been wounded at the pure thought, making them laugh.
Cody and Cole demanded a rematch from Quinn. So, the three sat down before the television, controllers in hand, and started arguing about the best stage and the rules for the race. I smiled and shook my head at their shenanigans. I felt Quinn’s competitive spirit through the bond, and I sent my amusement back to her. She turned and winked at me.
“I could get used to all of this,” Maisie said.
“I could enjoy this forever,” Simone added. “The three of us with these crazy kids. Imagine every holiday here. Wouldn’t that be perfect?”