I love you so much, Byrd. Please call me.
Tears stung my eyes as guilt took hold of the pieces of my heart that weren’t broken after reading her messages. Three days, and I would be losing my mind with worry, too. I couldn’t press call fast enough. Quinn answered on the first ring.
“Sweetness!” she exclaimed. The way she said my nickname, so full of relief and affection, I couldn’t have been more in love with her if I tried.
“Quinn! Ohmigods, I’m so very fucking sorry for worrying you. You have no idea how sorry I am.”
“I was starting to think that you were ghosting me.” Quinn chuckled, but there was no humor in it. She was trying to joke, but I could tell she at least kind of meant it. I felt for her.
“No, I wasn’t ghosting you, pumpkin, I swear. I know this is going to sound insane and like a cop out, but I was literally asleep for the past three days for no reason. I’m so sorry for making you worry, Quinn. I wish I had a better reason that made more sense and could justify your concern. I’m just so, so sorry?—”
“Hey, hey, hey, Byrdie, it’s okay. I believe you. You have always trusted me. The least I can do is give you the same grace. But I know that you have never not talked to me for days on purpose without good reason. I love you, and I’m just happy to hear your voice.”
I sniffed but smiled. “I love you so much, Quinn. Gods, I miss you. What are you up to today?”
“I love you back, and I miss you so much. I need to see you. I need the distraction and to be with you. Do you have any plans today? Can I see you?”
A beat passed.
Another one.
And another.
All in silence.
I was just too stunned to speak.
Quinn must have taken my silence the wrong way because she said. “We don’t have to do or talk about anything. We don’t have to talk about Zaria or shifters. In fact, we can have a normal day, like a normal complete date for once. I can make you something, too, since you have been asleep for so long.”
I rushed to respond. “That sounds like a dream, Quinn! I would love that! We would have to pick up something from the grocery store because we have nothing here. How do you feel about going and wandering the aisles together?”
“Oh, now, you are speaking my love language. Food shopping is everything. Are you going to be okay walking around for a while? I love to window-shop.”
“The longer with you, the better, pumpkin.”
“How long do you need to get ready?”
“Give me twenty, my love. See you soon!”
I texted Quinn my address, hoping Blackbell would allow her in since she is some kind of supernatural, while simultaneously trying not to think too much about what that kind ofsupernatural could be. I showered and started to get dressed. By the time I was dressed in a sweater, shorts, tights, and boots with my hair styled, Quinn texted that she was outside. I squealed so loudly when I saw her that I think they could hear me from Atlanta. I excitedly joined her in her bright orange Jeep Wrangler, and we were on our way.
We went to an insanely posh grocery store that Teddy loved to shop at and I loved to wander and look in. It had something for every dish with fresh herbs, local homegrown vegetables, sustainable meat, and all sorts of other groceries for specific supernaturals like blood dishes for vampires or elemental drinks to help replenish their powers. There was a butcher shop, wine pairing store with a sommelier, a cheese shop with a cheesemonger, a coffee shop with traditionally-trained baristas, and a deli restaurant with seating all within the gigantic building. Gods, I would drive Everett insane looking at everything and asking questions about what different ingredients could be for. He would always ask me why make a list if I was just going to go down every aisle regardless and make what would be a twenty-minute trip to the store into a two-hour trip. He didn’t understand how fun it could be.
But Quinn did.
Quinn’s jaw was on the floor as soon as we entered Destiny’s Market, and she danced with a childlike joy that made me throw my head back and laugh. Quinn got the biggest buggy and started driving it with me by her side.
We sampled the cheeses and added our favorites to the cart. We smelled the different breads and got the best, most delicious smelling ones. Quinn tossed some herbs, vegetables, and other items that piqued her interest as we went up and down every aisle.
As she shopped, I pointed out different products and asked what they might be used in. With everything that I asked, Quinnwould say what it was, describe its taste, and list what it could be used in. Then, she would describe a delicious dish that she wanted to make for me someday. She would pull her phone out and add the dish to a notes file that I discovered she had named after me. She did this every single time, and it never got old. My heart warmed, seeing the effort she put into it and her excitement to share her passion with me.
We checked out, with Quinn paying and refusing to let me even offer. She drove us home, and, of course, she grabbed all thirty bags in her hands in one trip without letting me help. The only thing she let me do was open the doors.
She sat the bags down and started to unpack everything. In no time at all, she was asking where she could find cutting boards, knives, and everything else to start prepping.
After I had directed her where everything was, she started chopping and prepping. “I’m in love with this kitchen. It’s crazy that you and your uncle have everything a chef needs, but neither of you cook.”