Page 161 of Scars Like Wings

Iopened my eyes to my home.

Not just smell or just a feeling. I was physically standing in my childhood home. Everything was just as it was. The living room, with the same couches that had an accidental dark barbecue sauce stain on one side and a drink stain on the other side. The fireplace with its wooden logs inside and beside it. The kitchen and island counter that I used to sit at every day. The doors and stairs that led to so many memories. I inhaled deeply, and it was just scene after scene: starch and laundry detergent, Mom’s cooking, hair grease for moisturizing my hair, Pops’ aftershave, nightcaps of wine and liquor, burning wood, school supplies, and so much more. My heart felt like it was being ripped from my chest, it was hurting so bad. I missed this so much.

I reached out to touch the back of the couch. My hand went straight through without any resistance. It felt like touching smoke. Was I a ghost? Why couldn’t I touch anything? Was this not real?

How did they find me?A voice whispered through the air. I turned around, but I couldn’t place where it was coming from.We had been so careful for so long. Why now?

“Hello?” I looked, but there was no one there. How was I hearing this voice? Who was this?

I have to get away from here.

Finally, I recognized the voice. “Mom?”

I have to get away from here before they find her.

“Mom! Where are you? Who are you getting away from? Please, Mom! Help me find you!” I shouted, looking in room after room for her and coming up with nothing. The deja vu was so strong it threatened to swallow me whole. What was happening? Was she okay? Who was she running from? Where was she?

I can’t let them find my Baby Byrd.

My Baby Byrd.

My Baby Byrd.

My Baby Byrd.

My name in her voice echoed on and on, bouncing off the walls. Something in those echoes, though, pointed me toward the source.

I ran out the back door. I was instantly teleported out of the house and into the middle of the forest that raised me as much as my family did. The sky through the leaves of the trees was cloudy and gray. Humidity hung thick in the air. It was ready to start pouring at any moment. Even though I had just been placed in the middle of the woods, I knew exactly where I was among these trees, grass, stones, and flowers. Like an internal GPS, I knew that if I went one way, I would find a lake and flowing waterfall. If I went a different direction, I would find one of the many crystal caverns near our house. As deeply as I knew this forest, though, I had no idea where to go to find Mom.

The world was darkened by a shadow overhead. It wasmassive. Looking up, my jaw dropped. It was the size of a small jet, flying low enough to dip and touch the treetops. The creature was wide and long enough to cover the entire sky I could seethrough the trees. A long neck stretched in front connected to a body with wings that flapped a wind strong enough to shake the trees and blow my hair back from my face. Its tail streamed behind like a banner. It looked like a…


There wasnoway.

As it flew past, I heard engines revving close behind. I turned and saw several masked people drive up behind and past me on ATVs and other recreational vehicles. It was obvious they were chasing after whatever was in the sky. What made my heart sink was the sight of their weapons on their backs, in their hands aimed above, or holstered elsewhere on their bodies. They had everything from knives to swords to crossbows to guns. Despite how fast they went, I could make out the aura around the weapons. They were magicked. Just like that gang who had attacked Mom when she was pregnant. Just like Quinn’s dagger. The group went by so fast, I couldn’t make out details on them or their weapons. Still, it was enough to scare me shitless.

What the fuck was going on?

I can’t reach Forest. Why can’t I feel him and the mating bond anymore? Oh, gods. I have to get far away. I have to lead them away from the house, away from the others, and from Byrdie. I have to keep her safe.Mom’s voice echoed through me again. I followed behind it as fast as I could.

When I went through the trees, I was teleported again. This time, I was in a small clearing surrounded by trees. It was quiet here. No birds singing. No trees rustling. The only sound I heard was my heart beating too fast in my ears. It was empty here.

“Mom? Mom, please! Where are you?” I called into the meadow, turning to see if I could catch anyone or anything coming through the trees.

Suddenly, a roar ripped through the silence followed by the sound of gunfire, the bark of commands, and screams of pain.But there was still no one here, still nothing for me to see. It was all sound, and it was noises that I couldn’t escape. Even when I covered my ears, I heard it just as clearly. It continued until there was a final mighty roar and a crash to the ground that almost made me fall to the grass. There were more shouts and weapons discharging, but only one sound cut through everything.

Groans. Cries. Screams. Of pain.

From my mom.

I wanted to cry. I felt the sting of tears as I listened to my panting breaths and my rapidly beating heart. I had no idea what was going on. I couldn’t even begin to fathom it. My head swirled with questions that I didn’t know how to answer.

The only thing that I knew was that something was wrong.

“M-mom?” My lip and voice quivered as I called out. “Please, Mom, tell me what’s going on? What can I do? Let me help! I would do anything. Please!”

Gods, it all hurts. I wanted it to end. I want this to be over. And I’m so tired. I’m just so very tired.