Page 144 of Scars Like Wings

I smirked. “You like my pajamas?”

“You wear that to bedeverynight?”

“Not every night. You can use your imagination on what I wear or sometimesdon’twear.”

Quinn swallowed deeply, her eyes somehow darkening even more as her pupils blew. I laughed. “Don’t burn breakfast there, starlight.”

Quinn blinked and snapped out of her daze to check on the food. Still, as she worked, she stole glances at me, that smolder never fading. “Was I supposed to be doing something else?”

“Making me a coffee because you refuse to let me make my own?”

“Right! You distracted me!” Quinn said, heading over to the coffee nook after checking to make sure the food wasn’t going to burn.

“Me? A distraction? I’m just standing here.” I leaned on the counter and batted my eyelashes.

“Esta hechicera será mi muerte,” Quinn whispered with a shake of her head. Then she said, “Sweet and creamy, right?”

“Basically creamer, with a couple splashes of coffee.”

Quinn chuckled as she prepared my coffee, pouring from a French press carafe and adding everything into a mug. I loved how she knew what I wanted without me saying a word. She handed it to me before returning to her many pans. Sipping my cup, it was a dream, just like the woman before me.

“Did I nail it?” Quinn asked, watching me drink while she added more pancake batter to one pan and turning some sausage over in another.

“Mhmm, I’m going to have to marry you.”

She laughed. “I’m so happy you love it.”

“It touches my soul, it’s so good.” I took another sip before asking. “How long have you been up for?”

“You know, a hot minute.” Quinn shrugged. “Maybe, like, a few hours? Having ADHD means insomnia, especially when sleeping in new places.”

“Oh, no! I’m so sorry! That must mean you never get any sleep since you travel so much! That sucks.”

“My sleep schedule has always been irregular, to be honest. Again, spicy brain. But I love that you care so much. My ex hated that I couldn’t sleep when she wanted me to. She called it ‘inconvenient’ and ‘annoying’, as if it was something I could help.” Quinn shook her head, focusing hard on her work instead of looking up at me. “I’m so sorry to bring her up. That’s awkward, I’m sure.”

“Shut your face. I don’t mind at all. She sounds like a bitch.” I came around and reassuringly put a hand on her shoulder. “I would never do that. You need sleep, but you can’t control your ADHD anymore than I can control my anxiety. Sometimes, it all keeps us up at night, but we have to roll with the punches. I’m sure that while you are up you are coming up with some delicious recipes to try!”

Quinn beamed then, giving me her most brilliant smile. It warmed my heart. How could anyone want to hurt someone like Quinn? How could anyone want to see her in any way other than like this, happy in her element? She said, “You are so right! I have so many ideas for things to cook for you, especially. Which I can do and then some in this freaking kitchen! They have more stuff here than in a grocery store!”

I laughed at her pure glee. “Well, they get people from everywhere who stay here to adjust, so the chef has to be ready for any request. Speaking of, I’m surprised she isn’t here.”

“Simone told her I was cooking breakfast last night so she knows she has the morning off.”

“How come I didn’t know about this?”

“Because I love surprising you, obviously.” Quinn kissed the tip of my nose. “And I know how much my girl loves breakfast.”

“Well, you have truly won me over, Quinn Garcia. Breakfast, coffee, and Megan? I might have to convert from being a night-owl with these amenities.”

“Well, Kelly Clarkson will always be my first love, but Megan Thee Stallion is definitely my second. I mean, she’s from Texas, and have you seen her? I would be best friends with her if I could.”

“She loves anime, too! I think you might just have a type.”

Quinn smirked slowly and deviously. “Thick, black, female, and nerdy? Yes, please. That is my dream woman.”

A cackle burst from me.

We continued talking as Quinn finished breakfast. I say talking, but it’s definitely more flirting than anything. By the end, she’d made French toast, pancakes, bacon and patty sausage, a fruit salad, crispy cubed potatoes, Cajun cheesy grits, freshly squeezed juice, and another pot of ground coffee. She saved eggs for when everyone was awake since they all liked them made differently. Quinn grabbed some magical foil to keep everything hot and fresh. Before she placed it over the food, she glanced up at me.