You have no idea how much I miss you, sweetness. But what are you doing up? Isn’t it like 4 am there?
It is, but why do you sound like you are somewhere else? What are you up to?
Quinn sent a picture of herself. She was smiling, her curls piled in a messy bun on her head. She wore a black hoodie with a raccoon embroidered on it that said, “Fight me, coward!” with a green military jacket over it and jeans. There was snow around where she sat, and her cheeks were rosy from the cold. I saved it immediately.
She was so stinking cute.
Working, unfortunately. I’m in Norway right now working with some dwarves on a property.
First of all, that hoodie is amazing. I can’t wait to steal it. ??
Secondly, dwarves? Like on some Baldur’s Gate or Lord of the Rings shit?
Quinn laugh-reacted to my text about stealing her hoodie before sending:
I love how much of a nerd you are, but I have no idea how to answer that. ??
Lol, I didn’t know dwarves were a thing. I have read about them, but the books in the Archive always make it out like they existed years ago but died out.
There are villages of them that live in remote places away from humans. They aren’t huge fans of technology, but a few of them do live in cities and make them run.
Well, look at you. Teaching me something new. ?? So, you said you are working on a property with them? Like preparing it to sell?
In a way. You could say that.
I felt like there was more there that she wasn’t telling me.Again.But it didn’t feel right to dig into it over text. I decided to change the subject.
I know you hate the work your family does, but it’s kind of cool how much traveling you get to do. Do you ever get to explore wherever you go?
Sometimes. Depends on how quickly we get the job done. Cooper is on this one with me, so we should have it done in a few days before I get sent on another one. He’s incredibly thorough while also being super by the book. It’s both helpful and annoying.
Now, why are you up? ??