Page 101 of Scars Like Wings

ME:Thank yoooou!!!! You are the sweetest. ♥?

Then I snapped a picture of myself in the mirror and sent it to him.

ME:What do we think of this outfit? ??

His response took a second, but the video he sent to accompany it immediately explained why. It was of him and Teddy being extra as they fangirled over my outfit. It made me laugh out loud and was just the confidence boost I needed.


You look ??HAWT??. Absolutely GORGEOUS. Is it hot because it’s Florida or because you are there? ??


Oh, stop it. You are so extra, but I need it to survive. ??




I should have known you were in on this. ??


Of course I am. It’s so fun when you aren’t. ??


I cannot ?stand? you.


Enjoy your birthday and ?whatever? y’all are doing. I know you’re going to have a blast. ??

I made a face. My Uncle could be so annoying. Most days, dealing with him was like dealing with an older brother. I was just about to respond to him when there was a knock on one of the bathroom doors.

“Birthday queen!” Simone’s voice sang through the door. “Are you ready?”

I opened the door to both her and Maisie. The three of us squealed over each other’s outfits: Maisie’s short shorts and cropped tank with her hair pulled in a ponytail and Simone’s short bodysuit and light button down tied around her waist with her hair in a low poof with a hat. We all looked amazing.

“Everyone is almost done getting dressed so we can go to breakfast! How freaking excited are you?” Simone declared.

“I’msoexcited! But I’m also very glad y’all are here!” I closed the door and lowered my voice. “You willnotbelieve the crazy morning I’ve had already. Quinn walked in on me after my shower this morning! I was literally in nothing but a towel!”

“What?!” Simone gasped.

“Did you drop it for her?”

“Maisie!” Simone and I said at the same time.

“What?! We all know Byrdie wouldn’t do it, anyway.”

“Hey!” I cried out.

“Well? Are you going to look at me and tell me that I’m wrong? When’s the last time you had sex with a person and not your vibrator?”

“Marceline Repond.”