We all gasped. Then purple magic grabbed his pants, pulled them down to reveal his pug boxers underneath, and took his shirt to pull it over his head. It shoved him away from the door before closing and locking it. I raised my eyebrows at Maisie who answered me silently with a shrug.
“I see why everyone is obsessed with y’all because same.” Nat smiled devilishly.
Soon, Maisie and Simone announced they were ready for dinner, and Nat declared it was time for another shot. We cheered and took our last shots together before taking some selfies and heading out the door to meet the others.
With the group assembled, we headed out to the restaurant. Simone had hired a chauffeur for the evening, so we could all drink without having to worry about driving. We talked the whole very short ride there and after the hostess had sat us. It was obvious even before Quinn, Cole, and Cody pulled out seats for their partners who was with who. Cody’s dark purple dress shirt and pants matched Maisie’s two-piece set. Both Cole and Simone had the same shade of red in their outfits. Even Nat’s green dress matched the waiter she was flirting with.
But Quinn?
Quinn looked so delicious I wanted her served up as a course. She wore a navy blue silk button down that matchedmine perfectly. It did wonders for her complexion and the gold in her eyes. She had it unbuttoned down to her boobs, a gold chain around her neck on perfect display. The shirt was fit so gloriously snug around her muscles I was surprised that it didn’t rip when she moved. Her hair was down in that gorgeous mane of curls that I loved and parted to one side. She smelled so good. Gods, I couldn’t stop staring at her. I couldn’t stop inhaling as deeply as possible to cement her scent in my brain. Based on the fact that her eyes were like embers and she hadn’t taken them off of me from the time she saw me, I could tell my outfit had the same effect on her. That and the fact that we hadn’t been able to keep our hands off each other since I had come down the stairs. She was always holding my hand, had a hand on my bare knee, or had her arm around my bare shoulders like she had right now. Our chairs were right beside each other. My body buzzed with the power of Quinn, and I was getting drunk off of that before the alcohol.
The whole group talked throughout dinner, but we were all in our own bubbles when the group conversation died down. The dinner was multi-course, with different drink pairings served alongside tastings created by their head chef. You could decide if you wanted a spirit, wine, or mixed drink to pair with your plates. I had chosen wine along with Cody and Simone, but Quinn and Cole chose bourbon and Maisie and Nat chose tequila. It was fancy as fuck, like something from a reality show. It was also scrumptious.
At one point between the seventh and eighth course, while the servers were taking our plates, Quinn’s fingers reached the back of my neck. They feathered the chain of my necklace before pulling it around. Her other hand lifted my necklace from my boobs to rotate the chain, her knuckles grazing my boobs that were spilling from my strapless bra. She righted the chain, making sure the enclosure was behind my neck. Shewas methodical, slow with it, but also so gentle. Something about her touching it… Combined with her touch, it was so much heat, so much lightning, dancing all over my skin. I was breathless. When Quinn was done, her eyes stared into my own. Her smolder was in full effect as she smirked at me. Her eyes sparkled and danced between mine. I wanted her to always look at me like that. She looked at me like how I felt about her. Like she was the most precious diamond in the world. No, like she was water in a dessert. Valuable. Cherished. Loved.
I was just so in love with her.
Wait, did I just say that?
I had.
And I had meant it.
I had fallen in love with Quinn Garcia.
I was in love with Quinn Garcia.
I loved Quinn Garcia.
The realization gave me such peace and joy all at once. I wanted to scream it to the heavens. I wanted to tattoo it on the little bit of skin I had without ink. I wanted to tell her. I wanted to say it to her over and over and over again until I lost my voice. I wanted to say it to her in every language. I wanted to show it to her every day. I loved her.
But what if she didn’t say it back?
What if I was misreading this like I had done so many times before? What if I was wrong? I had had high hopes for so many, only to be disappointed. I had read things so wrong before because I wanted affection so bad. I had given so many the benefit of the doubt instead of seeing it as a sign. I had imagined loving so many girls before. There, I had said I love you countless times. In reality, I had never told anyone I loved them. I had been in relationships with girls since high school, but none of them had gotten serious enough to say it. It had never felt right. Most had left after I said I liked them, leaving meheartbroken for what could have been. What if that happened here? What if I said those three words and destroyed the rest of this vacation? I mean, Quinn had feelings for me. It was obvious in all she did. But did she feel for me that way?—?
Quinn leaned in, her lips close enough to kiss my ear as she whispered in her smokey voice. “Do you wanna get out of here?”
I was so overwhelmed by my emotions of love for her and fear of rejection all I could do was nod.
Without breaking eye contact with me, Quinn leaned back and downed it. I watched, mesmerized by how her lips formed around the glass, how her throat moved as she swallowed, how smoothly she sat the glass back down on the table without looking. Then still looking at me with her eyes afire in the lowlight of the restaurant, she addressed the whole table, “I think Byrdie and I will walk back. Enjoy the weather and the city.”
“Are you sure?” Simone asked. My eyes never left Quinn so I only heard her words. “We still have a few courses left, but if you guys are ready to go now, we can—Ouch! Maisie, why did you do that?”
Cole laughed. “You two get out of here and have your moment. I will make sure everyone gets home safe.”
“Thanks, Cole, you’re the best.” Quinn got up and pulled my chair out for me to get up with her, taking my hand immediately.
“No, I just get it, dude.”
“Get what? Ouch! Maisie, quit it!” Simone cried out.
Their argument faded away as we left the dining room and the restaurant.
Rose Quartz
The warm ocean air enveloped us as soon as we stepped onto the sidewalk. It was nice compared to the restaurant’s AC, and it was cooling to the buzzed haze I felt from all the alcohol. It all still had nothing on the warmth I felt being so close to Quinn.
We walked in the opposite direction we had gone to get to the restaurant. The island was still very much awake despite the evening hour. Restaurants played music softly on their patios. Shop windows glowed, tempting folks to come and purchase their goods before they closed for the day. My heels clicked against the cobblestone, the sound echoing through the chatter from others that walked the sidewalk or sat on benches. But both of us were quiet. It was comfortable, especially since I was afraid to open my mouth for what might come out and even more afraid of how Quinn would respond. The words just kept playing over and over in my head.