Page 103 of Scars Like Wings

We passed the globe toward the entrance to the park. It towered over us, styled like something straight from an old Hollywood studio lot. As we entered the line to get our tickets,I noticed how quiet the park was. There was a small crowd in the Ticket Line, but there was not a line of patrons waiting to enter the park like I was expecting for a Friday in September. Approaching the front, I overheard some folks angrily speaking to the employees while others walked away disappointed. With a clearer view of the park’s entrance gate, I saw standing signs reading “Park Closed Today For a Private Party. Please see Box Office for Additional Information.”

“Oh, no! The park is closed!” I said.

“Yeah, for the plebeians,” Cody snorted.

“Wait, I’m so sorry.Weare the private party? You bought the whole fucking park forme?!” I said, looking between the cousins.

“Quinnbought the whole park, actually,” Nat corrected.

I turned to Quinn in complete shock. “You did this? Forme?”

“I planned for us to go to Universal foryou, yes. But I planned to buy the entire park for the day forme. It’s selfish, I know.” Quinn shrugged nonchalantly next to me as if we were talking about me paying her back for a cheap dinner and not potentiallymillionsof dollars. “I just hate crowds.”

I shook my head. “You did not have to do this for me, Quinn. I mean, the jet, the resort, the spa,—It’s all so freaking much. I can’t believe it. I’m not even worth?—”

“Hey. Don’t finish that sentence.” Quinn took my face in both of her hands. The Florida sun and climate was already warm, but in her hands I felt like glass being made into art: molten, malleable, and with so much potential to be made into something more. She continued. “I did this because I want to see you happy and make sure you felt special on your birthday. I would buy you every diamond mine I could if it meant seeing you smile. There’s no amount of money I wouldn’t pay for that. You are worth it,mi tesoro. You are worth all of this and more. Never doubt that.”

She was so sweet that I had to blink away tears. I joked, “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I’m not a diamond girl.”

“I should have known you would prefer something untraditional.”

“Diamonds are so overrated and unethical. Not to mention, basic. Morganite or a clear sapphire would be so much nicer and cheaper.”

“Mhmm, educated about the world, compassionate for the suffering of others, and she cares about my wallet? My dream woman.” Quinn kissed the tip of my nose.

I laughed.

We made it to the front of the line. Once Quinn mentioned that the tickets should be under her name and showed her ID, the Ticketing Agent perked up.

When she asked which one of us was the guest of honor and Quinn motioned to me, she said, “Excellent! We are so honored to have you here as a special park guest! You all will be experiencing the exclusive VIP Tour alongside your visit. This will give you backstage access to some of our attractions as well as some additional information about them and their histories that you will not get anywhere else. Since you are such important guests, you will be getting even more than our usual guests with more tour time with your guide. I think you will enjoy it! Here’s your special birthday pin so the Team Members can identify you if the Tour Guide isn’t able to introduce you. Now, head this way and the Tour Guide will meet you to get started! Please enjoy your time in the park! Oh, and happy birthday!”

She handed us our tickets to get through security and the park gates. As we went under the sign and on the red carpet leading inside the park, an announcer’s voice boomed overhead, “Welcome to Universal Studios Florida! Our star has just arrived on the set. Lights, camera, action! Happy birthday, Byrd!”

I was so happy I could die, but tears appeared in my eyes instead.

We followed the Ticketing Agent’s directions to get to the VIP Tour check-in area. After a very quick and seamless check-in, we got special lanyards with pass cards advertising our exclusive access to the VIP experience—not that we needed the cards considering we had the entire park to ourselves. Still, we put them around our necks just for show. Quinn informed the Team Member that we had already eaten breakfast, so our Tour Guide would meet us just outside of Guest Services. He wished me a happy birthday, and we went on our way.

Just outside, we found an old drive-in style restaurant and our Tour Guide. She excitedly waved her hand at us as if she needed to get our attention. She was dressed like a safari adventurer from head-to-toe, but her dark hair was in a low ponytail at the nape of her neck. She was gorgeous, almost supernaturally so, making me wonder if maybe she was something other than human. There were supernatural creatures that lived among humans, but they often did it to take advantage of them for food, power, or just to troll. If there were a large number of disappearances that couldn’t be explained or “animal attacks” where the bodies were mutilated or drained of blood, it was likely due to a supernatural creature taking up residence nearby. Something about this girl gave me a bad feeling in my gut and made my skin tingle, but I couldn’t put my finger on why exactly.

Maybe it was her overt enthusiasm at seven in the morning.

“Good morning, VIP guests! Oh, I heard we have a very special birthday girlie pop! Happy birthday to you, Byrdie-Boo!”

I cringed at the dreadful nickname.This girl could not be real.

“My name is Ophelia, and I will be your terrific tour guide! Welcome to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida! You all areabout to have a spectacular day! But Miss Birthday Queenie Pie? Your day is about to be extra-super-duper ahh-mazing! Are you ready? Are you excited?”

“Totally,” I said, putting on my customer service smile I used when a patron was annoying me. This girl wastooperky. Why did she rub me the wrong way? Why didn’t I like her?

“That’s the spirit! Oh, we are going to have thebesttime together! Let’s kick things off by heading over to theWorld Expofirst! Then we can make our way back here and up towardDiagon Alleywhile catching some sights and learning about the park! I bet you eager beavers and beaverettes aresoready for some rides, right? Well, let’s go!” Ophelia clapped her hands and raised her arm before marching forward. She left the rest of us stunned, but we followed behind her.

Quinn’s eyes narrowed on Ophelia. “I don’t like her.”

“She is certainly animated,” Cole remarked with raised eyebrows.

“She is certainlyhorrid.” Maisie frowned.

“Oh, c’mon, y’all! She’s just cheery,” Simone said.