Page 96 of Ex Marks the Spot

When Court hangs it on the final hook, we step back and survey the board. The challenge was simply to document our time during the race, but as we move through each of the eleven photos, we realize it captures our journey back together as well.

“I think we got everything right,” he says.

Hell yeah we did.



Day 21—New York City

We have our clue.

We have our final clue of the race and most importantly, we’re the first ones to get it.

Hot dog, you did it! Meet Paul at the Wonder Wheel for your final checkpoint. The last two teams to arrive will be eliminated.

“What does it mean?” I ask.

“The Ferris wheel at Coney Island,” Hartley says. She grabs my arm and we take off down the path, retracing our steps to the park entrance.

“How sure are you?”

“Positive. I went there during my Meg Ryan era.”

“Your what? Actually, never mind. We can talk about that one later.”

We save the rest of our energy for running and make it back to the street in good time.

“There!” Hartley spots a taxiat the curb.

As we pile in with our crew, the Wise Asses come sprinting out of the park.

“I don’t see any other taxis,” Hartley says. “Maybe we can get a head start on them.”

DeAngelo approaches the curb and holds out his arm. “Taxi!”

“Please do whatever you can to stay ahead of those guys,” I tell our driver.

He eases off the brake to merge onto the road when DeAngelo walks into the street in front of our car and holds his hand up higher. “Taxi!”

“Move, DeAngelo!” Hartley yells through the open window.

I know the bastard hears her but he stays put.

The cabbie lays on the horn, which never does anything for anyone in Manhattan.

“What the hell, man! Get out of the way!” I shout.

“Is there any room to go around him?” Hartley asks.

“Not without hitting him.”

I meet the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “I can’t tell you to hit him, but I won’t be upset if you did.”

A streak of yellow pulls up beside us, further blocking us in, and the Wise Asses load up.

“Dammit!” Hartley flips him off through the window.