Page 94 of Ex Marks the Spot

We catch up with the Bombshells at the next challenge because Gianna—understandably—is having a panic attack.

Our clue from Ellen’s Stardust Diner told us to visit Edge, which touts itself as the highest outdoor sky deck in the western hemisphere at eleven hundred feet. From there, whoever didn’t street sweep earlier would travelanothernine hundred feet up to the apex of the building and lean out over New York City, arms and legs spread wide, for thirty seconds.

For reference, the jump pod in New Zealand was six hundred feet up and Alexis was the one who actually jumped.

“We got here about twenty minutes ago.” Alexis points to the left where DeAngelo is sitting. “He was already here but I don’t know for how long. I also don’t know if we’ll be able to finish this challenge. I can’t get Gianna to even stand up.”

Remembering how terrified I was in the jump pod, I walk over and immediately sink down to the stone floor beside Gianna, wrapping my arms around her. “You have every right to be scared out of your mind right now. I think the people who do this kind of thing voluntarily should probably have their head examined.”

She lets out the tiniest of laughs between short, uneven breaths.

“Now, you see that guy right there?” She nods when I point to Court. “You’re in luck because he also got the short end of this shitty stick. Believe me, there’s no one better to be holding a short, shitty stick with than Court. He’s literally the only reason I made it off that platform in New Zealand instead of taking a time penalty, and today he’s going to be your personal guide on the staircase to Heaven.”

Gianna pulls in a deeper breath.

“There you go. Do that one more time and I’ll move on to the double whammy of good news.”

She takes another breath.

“Fabulous. Okay good news number one: I read this clue about a dozen times in the taxi ride here and nowhere does it say you have to keep your eyesopen. Number two: our taxi driver has already done this, and he said most people who do the leaning thing face the building and lean back instead of leaning forward while facing the ground.

“So you’re going to take the hand of this incredibly handsome gentleman and stay with him every step of the way. When you get up there, you’re going to keep facing the building and when you do the leaning thing, close your eyes and pretend you’re a reasonable twelve inches off the ground.”

After another series of steady breaths, she nods. “Okay.”

I rise and pull her up, giving her a moment with Alexis while I turn to Court.

“If she starts freaking out up there, please offer your balls for kicking. That was a big help in New Zealand.”

“You gonna make it up to me if she follows through?”

“Every day for a month, at least.”

“Deal.” He kisses me on the forehead, then holds his hand out to Gianna. “Milady, your chariot awaits...metaphorically speaking.”

They get about ten steps away when I say to hell with it and throw Court to the metaphorical wolves.


She turns around, puzzled.

“Ask Court about his balls!”

Despite the short hiccup with Gianna’s panic attack, we managed to leave for our memory challenge in Prospect Park about ten minutes after the Wise Asses.

“This is it,” Court says.

We slow our jog to a walking pace as we approach three giant boards in a loosely shaped triangle with stacks of...something in front of each one. Big Mike and DeAngelo are already at work, but it doesn’t look like they’re that far into whatever it is we’re doing.

No sign of the Bombshells though. Hopefully they get here soon because if we’re going to lose to anyone, it needs to be them and not the Wise Asses.

Court takes an envelope from the clue box and reads the instructions for the challenge.

The best part of traveling is making memories. Find your board anddocument each leg of your trip with that country’s flag, the airport code, and a photo of you and your teammate while you were there. Once you have everything in the correct order, you will receive your next clue.

My head flinches back slightly. “Photos?”

“No idea.”