Page 82 of Don't Let Go

“Kill the power out there.” If they had a generator… I couldn’t focus on that right now.

“Grenade,” McQuade said and I blinked as my fingers froze mid-keystroke.

An explosion echoed over the line as I made myself type. The screen in the corner showed the flash of whatever he’d detonated. The intrusion hiccuped, but it was still going.

“They have a generator,” I said.

“Got another grenade?” Locke asked, almost idly.

“Of course, I have another. Got a target?”

Locke’s answer washed over me. The banter. The coordinates. Through it all, Remy was quiet, but my screen showed him still connected. I blocked the next intrusion and shut it down.

“Grenade,” McQuade called out again. This time the explosion was a lot further away, but the flash was no less intense.

The intrusion ceased.

I blew out a breath. “That did it.”

Remy’s long exhale echoed my own relief. “Good. Get back to her and move the damn truck.”

“Agreed,” Locke said and then another alarm sounded, this one was not for my system but for the truck.

“Patch?” McQuade’s voice dropped. “Tell me you’re armed.”

I flipped the screen to see the car parked behind the truck and the two men getting out of it. It was dark out there and they were all in black.

They were also armed.

Yanking open the drawer next to me, I pulled out the gun and slid the full magazine into it to load it. I was not a fan of guns. I never had been. Having one right here was practical.

“I am.”

“We’re already on the way to you.” They didn’t give me an ETA.

They didn’t have to.

They were too far away to help me in the immediate future. I was on my own.

“I’m here,” Remy said into my ear. “Shut off the internal power. Set the spotlights to the access points. It will blind them when they open. You go for center mass, luv. You go for the largest target and you don’t hesitate. You just fire.”

My heart slammed against my ribs. The gritty taste of fear soured in my throat. This was—brutally familiar. Sweat prickled my skin and icy hot chills cascaded through me.

“You can do this, luv. Trust me.”

I’d give anything if they were the ones here. Two keys and the internal lights were off. I left the desk and shifted to wherethe room divider was. On one side, the door near the cab. On the other, the ramp that slid down when the back opened.

They’d been coming up the sides. I could see my screen still. It was dark, the movement outside hard to detect. But they were going to the side.

“Breathe, Fallon,” Locke said. “Deep breaths. You don’t want to hold your breath or hyperventilate.”

That was excellent advice. Back door or side?

Where were they coming in?

“You have those assholes in your sights, Remy?” McQuade asked.

“Yep. Just one word, and three shots. They’ll be done.”