“Not at all,” he said, picking up my cup and taking a long drink through the glass straws I had become so fond of. His bravado only lasted a few seconds before his brow furrowed and he frowned at the cup. “That’s a…uniqueflavor.” He grimaced. “There’s even an aftertaste.”
“I told you they were different!”
“I’m sorry, beautiful. Maybe Ellie put a few more supplements in your drink for the baby?”
I glowered at him, crossing my arms. Supplements weren’t enough to make a drink go from sweet and fresh to lawn clippings.
Still, I kept my grip on Hendrix’s cup, refusing to swap back. After a few sips, I spoke. “I’m really not fond of Ellie. I get the impression that she doesn’t like me very much.”
Hendrix cocked his head. “I’m sure she adores you. She’s been doing everything she can to make sure that our baby comes into the world healthy and happy.”
“Yet these smoothies don’t seem to be helping. I’m feeling worse by the day, and so are you.”
“Maybe it will just take a bit of time to start working. She’s a professional; she must know what she’s doing. She seems so eager to help.”
I snorted. She certainly seemed eager, but not to help. She seemed keener on hanging off of Hendrix’s every word like a fangirl.
Just another reason I disliked her.
“Have you seen her qualifications?”
Hendrix nodded. “Of course. Gary showed me all her papers. There’s no way I would let anyone near you without confirming that they had the proper background.”
My stomach turned uncomfortably. Gary made his distaste for me so blatantly obvious that Hendrix’s assurances did nothing to assuage my nerves. Did I trust Hendrix when he said he had seen the qualifications? Yes. Did I trust Gary having any part in the process?
Not at all.
“Something just doesn’t feel right.”
“Ellie said it’s completely normal for your emotions to be a little off as your pregnancy progresses. It probably doesn’t help that I’ve stopped taking any sort of drugs. My body’s gotta be in some sort of withdrawal, and you’re probably going to be feeling that.” He frowned. “I hate that it’s causing problems for you and for the baby. I feel so guilty.”
“You’re doing your best,” I assured him.
He shook his head. “I can’t shake the feeling that I could be doing better. All those weeks you were pregnant, and I had no idea. I was partying around Asia and America. I was a shit alpha, making you feel worse.”
“You didn’t know my name, let alone that I was pregnant. Heck, I didn’t even know I was pregnant for the longest time. I can’t exactly judge you for living your life as you always have. What matters now is how we go forward. We’re going to do everything we can to give this little nugget the best life.”
Hendrix nodded, pulling me in for a hug, his woodsmoke and citrus scent soothing me. “I want to be better, for you guys. Who would have thought that getting drunk on our first tour and gettingBite Metattooed on my ass would have led to so many amazing things?”
“You should consider yourself lucky. I’m not usually that inclined to follow instructions, but you do have a pretty nice ass, so I probably couldn’t resist.”
“I can’t blame you. I have seen my ass a few times, and it’s damn good.”
“And now it’smyass.” I beamed up at him, giving it a little squeeze.
“That, it is.” His smile was warm, his gaze sentimental and sweet. “I want the best for you, Meadow.”
“I know.” I fully believed that. Hendrix, despite his reputation, had turned out to be an incredibly sweet, honest person. He was one of the best people I’d ever had the pleasure of being around, and I knew I was lucky to be one of the people he wanted to protect.
“Try and play nice with Ellie. I know it might not be fun, but it’s for the nugget.”
I glowered, the sweet, happy bubble of the moment bursting. “I’ve been putting up with her for weeks now. I’monlydoing that for Nugget. Though I will be drinking your smoothies from now on. I refuse to drink grass clippings.”
“It upsets Nugget!” I declared. “The smell and flavor make me want to hurl. There’s no way that could be good for the baby, is there?”
“I suppose not.”